ARCHIVES: Weekly Commentary: Hasbara dropping the ball – the illegal rockets Mahmoud Abbas: "stressing the new government’s commitment to the obligations of the Palestinian Authority and all previously signed agreements".) Today we are being bombarded by rockets whose very existence in the Gaza Strip represents...

(Lebanon does what PA should) Suspects arrested in south Lebanon rocket attack against Israel Suspects arrested in south Lebanon rocket attack The Daily Star (Lebanon) Jul. 11, 2014 | 07:00 AM (Last updated: July 11, 2014 | 04:44 PM) MARI, Lebanon: Calm returned to south Lebanon Friday afternoon,...

Egyptian forces seize rockets being smuggled from Gaza to Sinai

Egyptian forces seize rockets being smuggled from Gaza to Sinai 20 Grad rockets and their launching bases were seized after a clash with militants in Rafah Ahram Online, Friday 11 Jul 2014 Egyptian security forces have...

Sunny with Light Missile Cover Here in Tel Aviv Sunny with light missile cover in Tel Aviv this morning. I awoke to muffled thuds in the distance, Iron Dome shooting down Syrian-made missiles launched from Gaza, according to news reports. I attended the...

The New York Times’s Editorial on Israel Was a Sloppy Hack Job In the last few years, I have had a slew of conversations where I found myself defending the New York Times’ Middle East coverage to outraged members of the Jewish community. All too often,...

British MP asks how much UK money goes to fund Arab terrorists

Questions for answer on or after Monday, 14 July 2014 Mr Peter Bone (Wellingborough): To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what recent reports he has received on the Palestinian Authority's...

List of NGOs funded by the FCO in Israel, OPTs and Jordan

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Overview This past week rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory continued to escalate. It began in the second half of June during Operation Brothers' Keeper, conducted to find the three abducted Israeli...

Editor’s Report from Israel: Bombs Going Off- My First Air Raid in Tel Aviv... Editor's note: want to begin this report by thanking WebWizards for sponsoring what will be my expanded coverage as a correspondent in these turbulent times as Israel calls up troops and prepares for what...

Hit Hamas Hard to Create a Different Strategic Balance Against Islamic Terrorism EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It is time for a full-scale offensive against Hamas and the other Islamist-Jihadist groups in Gaza. Israel should take over Gaza temporarily; destroy the terrorist infrastructure as much as possible, to the...