The Jordan Valley is the answer U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is visiting our region again. Borders are a core issue and the main component of any framework deal between us and the Palestinians, and Kerry knows that Israel...

Egyptian government seizes Brotherhood assets Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat-Government sources told Asharq Al-Awsat on Tuesday that Egyptian authorities had ordered the seizure of the assets of hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood members because it suspected them of “funding terrorism.” Dr Hisham Kamal,...

Weapons found at dead Palestinian ambassador’s residence in Prague – police Some unregistered weapons were found at the Palestinian mission in Prague, where the ambassador was killed by an explosion while opening a safe a day before, Czech police reported. The investigators working at the scene...

Where Jerusalem Jews Worship: Tracing the changing location of the “holiest site in...

The Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem was Judaism’s holiest place in Bible times because God’s presence dwelt there (I Kings 8:27-30). Even when toward the end of the Second Temple period synagogues were functioning...


The Lawfare Project, provided the author of this article with research into appropriate sources of international law. UNRWA shapes the mindset of a new generation of Palestinian youth,.educating 492,000 students in 699 schools. The UN...

Secret Government Report Reveals the Truth Behind Temple Mount Conspiracy: A Jewish Voice Exclusive The following report issued by the Israeli government is of a previously classified nature. It reveals the terrifying truth about the Israeli conspiracy to relinquish control of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount to hands of the...

The ‘refugee’ diversion Words play a central role in the conflict with the Palestinians. They influence the way we perceive it, as well as the probability of finding a solution. That is why it is strange that...

Inauspicious omens for 2014 As we bid farewell to the old year and look forward to the new year according to the Gregorian calendar, it is timely to take stock of where we are at the moment and...

Christmas With Britain’s Jews For many British Jews, Christmas is a special and even surreal experience. As Santa Claus tried to find his way amid gale-force winds and ice storms into the homes of England’s Christians (many without electricity),...

December 28, 2010: The Jordan Valley

Motzei Shabbat (After Shabbat) From multiple sources I am picking up considerable concern regarding the broad implications -- diplomatic and security -- with regard to any relinquishment by Israel of full control of the Jordan...