Israel: The Impudence Accompanying Betrayal I've always been amazed that anyone thought the United States would ever act against the Iranian nuclear threat. There was never any chance that such a thing would happen. The United States would never...

Obama Turns on Israel Barack Obama's March 2013 trip to Israel had a too-good-to-be-true feel about it. While barely pressuring on Israel, he instructed Palestinians not to set preconditions for negotiations and admonished them to "recognize that Israel...

Kerry: Stay home U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned of a return to Palestinian violence and Israel's isolation if the faltering peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians ultimately fail. This is a typical leftist Pavlovian...

The West’s Hubris: Is the Price of the Iraq War a Nuclear Iran? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2003 Iraq War significantly reduced the West’s willingness to confront Iran with the credible military threat required to halt its nuclear weapons program. Critics of the Iraq War were correct to...

Kerry: Iran, not France, scuttled nuclear deal American officials on Monday scrambled to clarify that that there were no differences between the US and France regarding the desired terms for an interim deal on Iran’s nuclear program, and to assure Israel...

November 8, 2013: HE’S CROSSED THE LINE! I'm talking about John Kerry, and actually, he's crossed it twice. I had no time to write today, with Levy Report work and a very early Shabbat. But I must write, ever so briefly, because...

Painful Anatomical Symptoms For those Yiddishly challenged this translates as a pain in the posterior. No doubt the diplomatic fraternity will be frantically trying to play this latest revelation down and bury it under the proverbial carpet...

Counter Tourism: Responding to Pro-Palestinian Protest and Solidarity Tours Visits to Efrat Since the early 1990s I have spoken with nearly 4,000, mostly non-Jewish, visitors to Efrat, a modern-Orthodox/religious-Zionist community of some 10,000 residents situated about halfway between Jerusalem and Hebron. I began...

بالفيديو] فتاتان فلسطينيتان تردان على أكاذيب “أيالون”] القدس -  دوت كوم - سعيد عموري - بحقائق وارقام وأدلة حية غير قابلة للتأويل والمجادلة، ردت فتاتان فلسطينيتان على "فيديو" نشر قبل نحو عامين على "يوتيوب" لنائب وزير الخارجية الاسرائيلي آنذاك "داني ايالون" بعنوان...

Fair and balanced: review of all public threats and criticisms of PA by Secretary... Fair and balanced: review of all public threats and criticisms of PA by Secretary of State Kerry The following is an exhaustive list of all public threats and criticisms of the Palestinian Authority during the...