Nuclear Talks with Iran: Diplomacy and Diminishing Time Efforts to resolve the long-running international crisis caused by Iran's failure to explain aspects of its nuclear program appear to be gaining momentum. President Hassan Rouhani will be in New York this week for...

Charm Offensive? Hostile Iranian Messages on the Eve of Rouhani’s UN Visit Vol. 13, No. 26 24 September 2013 With Iranian President Rouhani speaking at the UN in New York, it is useful to see the messages coming out of Tehran from an annual military parade held...

Six Questions About Iranian President Hassan Rouhani In both his pre-election pronouncements and post-election promises, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has spoken encouragingly of "moderation," "reform" and upholding "the rights of the a free Iran." Indeed, in the run-up to his...

Iran’s Charm Offensive Has Diplomats Asking Themselves: Is It Real? In anticipation of President Hasan Rouhani's diplomatic debut before the 193-member U.N. General Assembly, Iran's American-educated foreign minister, Javad Zarif, has been working the U.N. corridors, telling anyone who will listen that Iran has...

Questions that Jews could ask Abbas in New York today This morning, Palestinian Authority foreign minister Riad Malki announced that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas will meet Jewish community representatives in New York. That meeting could provide an opportunity for Jews to ask probing questions of...

Emotional Dissonance "Moadim L'Simcha" (times of joy) is the traditional greeting for the intermediate days of Sukkot. And, yes, I've heard it many time these past few days. Personally, I have been finding it to be...

PA Police Attacks Protesters

The Palestinian Authority has consistently used its Western-trained security forces to attack protesters, a human rights group said. Amnesty International reported that PA security forces were engaged in provocations against peaceful demonstrators in the...

Without Palestinian sovereignty Israel captures murderer in hours #1. Yasser Arafat forfeited the Palestinian right to resist the Israeli occupation with violence as a pre-condition for Oslo "...the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence" Letter From Yasser Arafat...

“Moderate” Holocaust Denial in Iran? A statement on Holocaust Denial in Iran, presented on September 20th, 2013 at the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust · By Matthias Küntzel Dear Director Schoenberg, dear Jodi Shapiro, Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s not only...

“Iran is Now Moderate” Joke I have never understood why anyone expected any U.S. action on Iran's nuclear program. Basically there was never any chance the U.S. would undertake any armed action or allow Israel to do so. That...