‘Camp Jihad’: U.N.-Sponsored Camps Encourage Palestinian Kids to Destroy Israel

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/14/camp-jihad-u-n-sponsored-camps-encourage-palestinian-kids-to-destroy-israel/ Summer at United Nations-funded camps in Gaza and the northern West Bank include playing with parachutes, jumping on trampolines, and racing down inflatable slides. In between those kid-friendly activities, counselors convey belligerent, anti-Semitic lessons to...

Who gave peace a chance?

http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/who-gave-peace-a-chance/ Ev’rybody’s talking about Revolution, evolution, mastication, flagellation, regulation, integrations, meditations, United Nations, Congratulations. All we are saying is give peace a chance (“Give Peace a Chance”, John Lennon, 1969) If the unexpected happens and there...

Kerry Un-Spins Jewish Leaders

http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/mrkerry-un-spins-jewish-leaders_745877.html Secretary of State John Kerry met with a group of key Jewish leaders this past week, and was accompanied by the administration's all-star team on "peace process" matters: Martin Indyk, Susan Rice, and Ben...

The Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations has decided to present the...

The Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations and to the other international organizations in Geneva presents its compliments to the Permanent Missions to the United Nations and to the other international organizations...

United States-Russian Friction: Implications for the Middle East

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=11891 Tension between Russia and the United States has risen recently, following the cancellation of President Obama’s scheduled meeting with President Putin at the G20 summit in Russia in early September 2013. The immediate background...

The biggest leak in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

http://transparency.aljazeera.net/en/projects/thepalestinepapers/ Over the last several months, Al Jazeera has been given the largest-ever leak of confidential documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are nearly 1,700 files, thousands of pages of diplomatic correspondence detailing the...

Israel Blocks Sinai Rocket Attack

For the first time, Israel has blocked a rocket attack from Egypt. The Israel Air Force stopped a rocket launched from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula from striking the southern port of Eilat. On Aug. 13, the...


4PM, Mon Sept 2 2013, at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, Gail Winston, founder http://WinstonIsraelInsight.com, dedicated to the legacy of Emanuel Winston, invites you to an audiovisual program: 20 years since the Oslo...

Do the palestinian authority and unrwa prepare palestinians for war?

4PM, Mon Sept 2 2013, at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, Gail Winston, founder http://WinstonIsraelInsight.com, dedicated to the legacy of Emanuel Winston, invites you to an audiovisual program: 20 years since the Oslo Accords:...

Colonel Mordecai Baron: Roots of the Arab refugee issue

In Jerusalem on July 29th, I met with Colonel Mordecai Baron now 84, to discover the roots of the Arab refugee issue. Mr Baron was a platoon and company commander in the Givatti Brigade...