UN Human Rights Council and NGO Allies Produce Another Politicized Report

http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/un_human_rights_council_ and_ngo_allies_produce_another_politicized_report On January 31, 2013, the UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission on Israeli Settlements published a report accusing Israel of gross “violations of human rights law.” The publication includes a scenario in which the...

The Palestinian Authority: A Continuing Breeding Ground For Terror

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/davidhornik/the-palestinian-authority-a-continuing-breeding-ground-for-terror/ Except for rockets from Gaza-which, meanwhile, have stopped since Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense in November-you haven’t been hearing much about Palestinian terrorism. But it’s not for lack of trying. Israel’s Shin Bet (domestic security...

UN Representative Richard Falk Compares Terror Group Hamas to WWII French Resistance

http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/01/28/un-representative-richard-falk-compares-terror-group-hamas-to-wwii-french-resistance/ The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the ‘Palestinian territories’ has compared Hamas terrorists to French resistance fighters during World War II. Richard Falk, well known for his anti-Israel positions, made the statements in an article...

Kfir Brigade chief: Situation on the ground changing

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4337209,00.html IDF forces dispersed a violent, illegal protest of nearly 200 Palestinians, who rioted in the village of Anin, west of the West Bank city of Jenin. The rioters huddled near the area's security fence and...

Israel’s Electoral Shift Unlikely To Boost Peace In Near Term

http://www.defensenews.com/article/20130126/DEFREG04/301260020/Israel-8217-s-Electoral-Shift-Unlikely-Boost-Peace-Near-Term TEL AVIV - Contrary to claims of an Israeli electoral shift to more moderate, middle ground, the new government to be formed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is projected to retain its right-wing reticence...

What Difference Does It Make that Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Care Why Terrorists Killed Americans...

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2013/01/25/what-difference-does-it-make-that-hillary-clinton-doesnt-care-why-terrorists-killed-american-officials-in-libya/ Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s remark - “What difference does it make?” - regarding how the motive of the terrorists in the attack that killed four men, including a U.S. ambassador and two former...

The PA is the First Victim of Its Reckless UN Bid

http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=v494e8bab&v= 001Akwh5HY8vpyc1w1s2A32rL9Q3RQmYFVrhED4phA4VTY7UE132 m7S3Erl6QAF96k8O9XI4ZBsD26BrooG_I2o5YMqstfnye3Jypz3bozbPsI%3Dtp:// When the Palestinian Authority (PA) obtained UN recognition as a nonmember observer state in November, many Israelis feared the consequences for Israel: After all, PA President Mahmoud Abbas stated openly that he sought recognition...

Antisemitism: A Specific Phenomenon (REVIEW)

http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/01/22/antisemitism-a-specific-phenomenon-review/ Antisemitism: A Specific Phenomenon, by Clemens Heni (Berlin: Edition Critic, 2013). A publication of the Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism. “As time went on... the Nazis not only became the source of...

The Palestinian Authority: A Continuing Breeding Ground For Terror

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/davidhornik/the-palestinian-authority-a-continuing-breeding-ground-for-terror/ Except for rockets from Gaza-which, meanwhile, have stopped since Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense in November-you haven’t been hearing much about Palestinian terrorism. But it’s not for lack of trying. Israel’s Shin Bet (domestic security...

UN Representative Richard Falk Compares Terror Group Hamas to WWII French Resistance

http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/01/28/un-representative-richard-falk-compares-terror-group-hamas-to-wwii-french-resistance/ The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the ‘Palestinian territories’ has compared Hamas terrorists to French resistance fighters during World War II. Richard Falk, well known for his anti-Israel positions, made the statements in an article...