PA Allows Hamas Growth In W. Bank

Israel's military has determined the growth of Hamas in the West Bank. Military sources said the army's Central Command has been tracking the growth of the Hamas presence throughout the West Bank. They said the...

Taking refugees off the table NEW YORK - At a small gathering last week in New York City’s Harvard Club, former Labor and Independence MK Dr. Einat Wilf argued against an “insane” policy that was perpetuating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel’s...

Ten Talking Points: How to respond to UNRWA Attacks on its Critics

A senior public relations official of UNRWA met with our agency in Washington, DC on March 5, 2013 and viewed the film A CLASSROOM IN UNRWA, and voiced comments that deserve a rebuttal. Ten talking points...

Are the Headlines Connected?

Two recent headlines may be more deeply connected than one would think at first glance. The New York Times' proclaimed two weeks back, "Academic Study Weakens Israeli Claim that Palestinian Schools Teach Hate." And...

A dissenting voice on the textbook study

February, 2013 Dear all, I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to Professors Wexler, Adwan and Bar-Tal, as well as to the research, technical and logistical teams for their great efforts throughout the last three...

Why the Arab Spring Revolution Was Not A Success

Why the Arab Spring Revolution Was Not A Success Allen West interviews Cynthia Farahat Next Generation TV February 8, 2013

State of the Union Address on Foreign Policy: Careful Phrasing Conceals Disasters While the State of the Union message was overwhelmingly domestically oriented, the foreign policy sections were most interesting. I’ll review them here. The president began in the same neo-patriotic mode used in the second inaugural...

How US Military Aid to Fatah Actually Bolsters the Hamas

On February 5, 2013, the reconstituted US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa held a subcommittee hearing on the subject of "Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation: Threatening Peace Prospects”. Two senior expert witnesses from...

Comments on: “Victims of Our Own Narratives”

Dr. Arnon Groiss Member Advisory Council on the Israeli-Palestinian schoolbook research project Commissioned by The Council for Religious Institutions in the Holy Land Comments on: "Victims of Our Own Narratives" Report of Israeli and Palestinian Schoolbook Research Project Released February 4,...

Open letter to Prof. Bruce Wexler

Dear Bruce: I would like to share my thoughts and concerns about the Text Book Study in the light of the recent exchanges between Arnon and the Research Team, and my own notes to you...