Hamas hopeful about future with Morsy

http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/hamas-hopeful-about-future-morsy After last month's attacks in Sinai that killed 16 Egyptian security officers, questions have loomed over President Mohamed Morsy’s ability to control militancy in the peninsula, which is often held to be connected to...

The Geography of Iranian Power by Robert D. Kaplan

http://www.stratfor.com/analysis/geography-iranian-power-robert-d-kaplan Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt from Robert D. Kaplan's new book, The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate , which will be...

Morsi’s just not that into Iran

http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/30/morsis_just_not_that_into_iran_0 Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had high hopes for the visit to Tehran by new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. His trip on Thursday for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit might have been brief -- his...

Implementation of the NPT Safeguards : Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions...

This report of the Director General to the Board of Governors and, in parallel, to the Security Council, is on the implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement1 and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions...

Illegal Arab building defies Supreme Court ruling

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-EdContributors/Article.aspx?id=282825 The illegal “building intifada” being waged by the Palestinian Authority on state lands in Area C of Judea and Samaria, (the West Bank), has become the latest battleground for the radical Left in conjunction...

The truth about ISM

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=5641 The family of Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by an army bulldozer during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Gaza in 2003, filed a civil suit against the State of Israel for their daughter's death. This...

Open Letter to Oded Revivi Mayor of Efrat, Israel

Dear Oded, This morning, Prime Minister Netanyahu, sitting next to you at the Aseh Chayil School in Efrat , made the following statement: PM Netanyahu: "Efrat and Gush Etzion will always be part of the State...

The Situation In Migron: New Housing Not Suitable

1. Israel High Court of Justice has determined that all 49 families of Migron must leave Migron with all of their personal belongingson Tuesday, Sept. 4th, 2012. Those residents include 219 children, half of...

UN Blames Israel for Gaza’s ‘Inviable’ Future

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/joseph-klein/un-blames-israel-for-gazas-inviable-future/ The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) held a conference on August 27th entitled “Will the Gaza Strip be Viable in 2020?” The conclusion, predictably, was that the Israeli government was fully responsible...

The Order for Beatings Came From Abbas’s Office

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3316/abbas-office-ordered-beatings A Palestinian commission of inquiry into the beating of Palestinian journalists and demonstrators in Ramallah has found that top officials in Mahmoud Abbas's office had ordered the assault. The discovery did not come as a...