Why the ADL abandoned Antisemitism and went woke

In 2018, the ADL announced that it was no longer in the ‘kindness’ business. “Forget Kindness. Schools Need to Foster Social Justice,” Jinnie Spiegler, the ADL’s curriculum director, barked. By three years old, Spiegler claimed white...

The Palestinian committee to “fight apartheid” and slander Israel meets for the first time...

On December 11, 2022 the Palestinian National Anti-Apartheid Committee met for the first time. It was organized by the PLO anti-apartheid department, appointed in July 2022 and chaired by Ramzi Rabah, a senior member of the...

No, Gray Lady, the ‘bedrock’ of US-Israel relations isn’t a two-state solution

In a social media post on Sunday, Prime Minister-designate Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu blasted the Gray Lady for its gall. “After burying the Holocaust for years on its back pages and demonizing Israel for decades on its front...

Israel Policy Letter to US House Foreign Affairs Committee & its Middle East Subcommittee

At the dawn of a new session at the US Congress, writing this policy letter as a journalist who has covered US Israel relations from a perch in the press center of Jerusalem, running...

After 4 months: Pregnant woman shot in terror attack leaves hospital with baby

The pregnant Jewish woman from New York who was seriously wounded when she was shot in the stomach in a terrorist attack near King David's Tomb has been released from the hospital together with...

Secret document reveals: EU will help Arabs take over Area C

A document drafted by the European Commission in Eastern Jerusalem calls for helping the Palestinian Authority actively take control of land in Area C, which is supposed to be under full Israeli control under...

We need to work on revealing the truth, make sure younger Arabs are aware...

Everything has already been said about the World Cup in Qatar and the enormous corruption that surrounded it. All the reasons in the world indicate that holding the World Cup in a terrorist-hideout country was a...

Lumen accipe et imperti

This Latin motto of my old college, literally translated as “receive the light and pass it on”, is very relevant as we get ready to celebrate Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. Michael Kuttner As rabbis, communal...

Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed  by Dr. Arnon...

Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed  by Dr. Arnon Groiss, Research Director of the Nahum Bedein  Center for Near East Policy Research and posted at The Meir Amit Intelligence...

Spotlight on Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

This past week a Palestinian carried out a shooting attack near Ofra (northeast of Ramallah); no casualties were reported. The shooter, a released prisoner, was shot and killed by IDF forces. Palestinians continued throwing rocks...