Newspaper cancels opinion page, censors articles critical of Brotherhood Al-Akhbar newspaper, the second largest state-owned newspaper in Egypt, has cancelled the opinion page that often published articles by prominent writers known for their critical views of the Muslim Brotherhood. The privately owned El Badil...

A warning from someone who called Morsy right from day one A warning from someone who called Morsy right from day one Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 12 August 2012 No. I am not writing this to brag. Today, as Egyptian President Morsy got rid of the entire leadership...

Canada must fight Iranian incitement to genocide When Prime Minister Harper meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Ottawa this week, the Iranian nuclear threat - which is dominating international discussion along with the crisis in Syria - will no doubt...

Israel Sees 30-Day War With Iran Israel has assessed that it must prepare for a month-long war with Iran and its proxies. Israeli military and intelligence community have discussed a range of scenarios of war between Iran and the Jewish state....

Will Mara Rudman and US AID receive new feedback from the government of Israel...

The decision of the government of Israel, announced in March 2011 and reiterated n August 2012, to place incitement in PA education on the agenda of Middle East negotiations,lacked any communication to the foreign...

U.S. Plans To Raise CI Help To Egypt

WASHINGTON -- The United States plans to increase counter-insurgency cooperation with Egypt. Officials said the administration of President Barack Obama has begun consultations with Egypt on ways to increase security aid and cooperation. They...

Egypt Demands Gaza Fighters

RAMALLAH -- Egypt has demanded the extradition of three senior Hamas commanders from the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian daily Al Quds reported that Cairo has relayed a request for the transfer of three senior...

Egypt Searches For Al Qaida Squads

CAIRO -- Egypt has been searching for Al Qaida squads in the Sinai Peninsula. Egyptian security sources said large parts of the army and air force have been deployed in Operation Eagle, the counter-insurgency...

Weekly Commentary: Critical days with Egypt “” not eroding force limits When you interact with a chess player you had better not think like a tic tac toe player. And Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy is most definitely a chess player. The decision to temporarily allow Egypt to...

Forensics report gives clues to identity of Sinai attackers The initial forensic report on the bodies of the Rafah checkpoint attackers suggests that the perpetrators were wearing military uniforms made in Nablus, Palestine at the time of the attack. Five bodies were 99 percent...