Who Will Rule Syria? A Detailed Assessment

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2012/12/12/syria-obama-initiative-marks-the-beginning-of-the-end-game/ For all practical purposes, President Barack Obama has now recognized the Syrian opposition group as the government of Syria. Specifically, he called them the “legitimate representative” of the Syrian people.” The European Union did...

Abbas reveals Turkey, Palestine to coordinate legal steps against Israel

http://www.todayszaman.com/news-300950-abbas-reveals-turkey-palestine-to-coordinate-legal-steps-against-israel.html Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday said his country is coordinating with Turkey to develop a legal strategy for the newly recognized UN-observer state of Palestine to challenge Israel's increased settlement activity in the...

An Open Letter to the New Israel Fund

http://en.imti.org.il/article.php?id=20 NIF-funded organizations are at it again. B’tselem, Adalah, Gisha, and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel are claiming that IDF soldiers defending Israel against endless terrorist rocket attacks are war criminals. Im Tirtzu will...

Weekly Commentary: A reminder from Oslo key man Beilin: Israeli Oslo leadership did not...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59394 Date: 13 December 2012 One can appreciate how hard it is for foreigners to accept that the half-baked ideas of Israelis with impressive military records or years of experience in Arab Israeli affairs are really...

Text: Insultingly silly Palestinian NGO statement against death of 17 year old Palestinian who...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59392 Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Sometimes there are events that are not clear cut. But in this case a 17 year old pointed a gun at an Israeli soldier's head at a checkpoint. There wasn't much of...

Who Will Rule Syria? A Detailed Assessment

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2012/12/12/syria-obama-initiative-marks-the-beginning-of-the-end-game/ For all practical purposes, President Barack Obama has now recognized the Syrian opposition group as the government of Syria. Specifically, he called them the “legitimate representative” of the Syrian people.” The European Union did...

Abbas reveals Turkey, Palestine to coordinate legal steps against Israel

http://www.todayszaman.com/news-300950-abbas-reveals-turkey-palestine-to-coordinate-legal-steps-against-israel.html Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday said his country is coordinating with Turkey to develop a legal strategy for the newly recognized UN-observer state of Palestine to challenge Israel's increased settlement activity in the...

Radical and Moderate Palestinians

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3492/radical-moderate-palestinians When Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas returned from New York to Ramallah and told the Palestinians that he obtained UN recognition of a Palestinian state within the pre-1967 lines -- namely, the West Bank,...


winnipegjewishreview.com A former Winnipegger who just made Aliyah to Israel narrowly escaped injury when the bus she was on was attacked by two Molotov cocktails on November 20, 2012. Nineteen year old Aliza H. and her...

3,000 Foreign Jihadis to Terrorize Egyptian Opposition?

http://www.meforum.org/3396/egypt-foreign-jihadis The title of a recent Al Khabar News report declares: "Morsi summons 3,000 jihadis from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Somalia and Iran to be an Islamic army to strike the police and army forces" of...