West’s pet conflict

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4316772,00.html For more than 70 years the Israeli-Arab (or Jewish-Arab) conflict has been viewed as the focal point of the Mideast crisis, so much so that the term "peace process" is mentioned only in relation...

Watch: Gaza kids simulate rocket launch

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4319035,00.html A generation comes of age: A video posted on social networks shows a group of Palestinian kids in Gaza simulating the firing of mortar shells at Israeli communities. Four kids are seen walking in a...

Iran’s Race for Regional Supremacy: Strategic Implications for the Middle East

http://jcpa.org/article/irans-race-for-regional-supremacy-strategic!-implications-for-the-middle-east/ Iran has accelerated its quest for regional supremacy through its mobilization of both Shiite and Sunni terror surrogates, including Hizbullah in Lebanon, Shiite militias in Iraq and in the Gulf, the Taliban in Afghanistan,...

Analyzing Egypt

http://www.meforum.org/3401/analyzing-egypt With the upcoming referendum to begin on Saturday in Egypt (already taking place in embassies abroad ) for the draft constitution that is primarily the work of Islamists from both the Muslim Brotherhood and...

Gaza’s tunnels rebound from Israeli offensive

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) - Rafah's biggest industry is back in business: Gazans are rebuilding the network of underground smuggling tunnels crisscrossing the Egyptian border that were pummeled in a recent Israeli offensive, restoring...

European Union Policy of Hypocrisy

http://www.mythsandfacts.org/article_view.asp?articleID=252 The leniency with which the European Union (EU) judges Palestinians’ reforms compared to the strictness of EU demands for reform by the Turks reveal Europeans’ duplicity and lack of integrity, and should disqualify the...

Iran’s Race for Regional Supremacy: Strategic Implications for the Middle East

http://jcpa.org/article/irans-race-for-regional-supremacy-strategic!-implications-for-the-middle-east/ Iran has accelerated its quest for regional supremacy through its mobilization of both Shiite and Sunni terror surrogates, including Hizbullah in Lebanon, Shiite militias in Iraq and in the Gulf, the Taliban in Afghanistan,...

Analyzing Egypt

http://www.meforum.org/3401/analyzing-egypt With the upcoming referendum to begin on Saturday in Egypt (already taking place in embassies abroad ) for the draft constitution that is primarily the work of Islamists from both the Muslim Brotherhood and...

Gaza’s tunnels rebound from Israeli offensive

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) - Rafah's biggest industry is back in business: Gazans are rebuilding the network of underground smuggling tunnels crisscrossing the Egyptian border that were pummeled in a recent Israeli offensive, restoring...

European Union Policy of Hypocrisy

http://www.mythsandfacts.org/article_view.asp?articleID=252 The leniency with which the European Union (EU) judges Palestinians’ reforms compared to the strictness of EU demands for reform by the Turks reveal Europeans’ duplicity and lack of integrity, and should disqualify the...