Carr, Danby at odds over Palestinian aid FOREIGN Minister Bob Carr’s announcement that Australia will boost aid to a controversial United Nations organisation for Palestinian refugees has raised the ire of Labor Party colleague and chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee...

Red Crescent donates cash for food supplies in Gaza Gaza The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Authority (UAERCA) has generously contributed around Dh3 million ($817,000) for food for the poorest refugees in Gaza. Over the last five years, the UAERCA offered Dh18.4 million in...

USAID Vets-Hiring Review, Support for Israel, Top Kirk Priorities Included in State-Foreign Ops WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator will be required to review the agency's veterans-hiring practices under a bill passed by the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee. The Senate’s fiscal year (FY)...

Welfare for Fake Palestinian ‘Refugees’ Each century brings forth its own patriots. Once upon a time we had Patrick Henry, today we have Senator Patrick Leahy, who declared in the Senate that his opposition to an amendment that would...

US taxpayers aid to UNRWA tops $10 billion A battle erupted on Capitol Hill over the mandate of the organization charged with disbursing international aid to Palestinian refugees. Last week, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) challenged the United Nations Relief and Works Agency...

Refugee Definition Promotes Conflict The Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo has been doing yeoman’s work covering Senator Mark Kirk’s efforts to force the State Department to define Palestinian refugees in the same manner that the international community defines...

George Jonas: Relief agencies, now and then A reader wants to know what bothers me about UN relief agencies, such as UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees. “After all,” he writes, “in your memoir you mention...

Exaggerating the Refugee Problem The situation in the Middle East is complicated enough without inflammatory oversimplifications. Lara Friedman’s post “Legislating the Refugee Problem,” should be called “Exaggerating the Refugee Problem.” Unfortunately, supposedly pro-Palestinian discourse is rife with such...

U.S. State Department Affirms Support for 5 Million ‘Palestinian Refugees’ In the wake of a Senate amendment requiring the United States to quantify how many Palestinians receiving U.S. aid were displaced after the Israeli War of Independence and how many are only descendants...

US cut in support for UNRWA “would signal intent to nullify right of return” The Head of the Office for Refugees' Affairs in Gaza, Dr. Essam Odwan, has called upon the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to submit a draft resolution demanding...