What the Palestinians Want

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3049/what-palestinians-want The Palestinians want the US to endorse all their demands and force Israel to give them everything. Palestinians are reminded almost every day that the US, which has been providing them with billions of...

Why did Breira Implode: Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf’s Refusal to Take Funds from a...

http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/why-did-breira-implode-rabbi-arnold-jacob-wolfs-refusal-to-take-funds-from-a-foreign-government/ For some reason, some bloggers have seen fit of late to attack the integrity of the late Chicago Rabbi, Arnold Jacob Wolf, blaming him for having some kind of unethical and manipulative influence on...

How The Palestinian Authority Fights Corruption

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3043/palestinian-authority-corruption The Palestinian Authority government has also warned Palestinian journalists against helping Western correspondents cover the crackdown. If Abu Rihan were a Chinese dissident imprisoned in Beijing, his case would have been endorsed by human...

Now Anyone Can Understand That Israel Isn’t About to Attack Iran

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/05/now-anyone-can-understand-that-israel.html “After a winter of alarm over the possibility that a military conflict over the Iranian nuclear program might be imminent, American officials and outside analysts now believe that the chances of war in the...

Studying Antisemitism on Campus

http://www.phyllis-chesler.com/1085/studying-antisemitism-on-campus A very gallant Dr. Charles Asher Small just delivered an important lecture at the 92nd St Y. in New York. Yes, this is the same Dr. Small who, in 2004, founded the Institute for...

How Benzion Netanyahu Helped Put in the U.N. Charter A Clause That Could Yet...

http://www.nysun.com/foreign/how-benzion-netanyahu-helped-put-in-the-un/87809/ Benzion Netanyahu, who died Monday in Jerusalem at the age of 102, has been widely scrutinzed this week for his myriad contributions to the history of Zionism in Israel and the United States. Yet...

Context of a hunger strike: Convicts, not prisoners

http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/context-of-a-hunger-strike-convicts-not-prisoners/ The media around the world are covering the hunger strike conducted by Arabs in Israeli jails, many of whom were convicted in a court of law for murder or attempted murder. In the communications that...

Pro-Palestinian or Anti-Israel?

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3035/pro-palestinian-anti-israel Pro-Palestinian groups and individuals in the US and Europe are doing Palestinians injustice by devoting all their energies only against Israel. There is a feeling in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that most of...

Here’s What Middle Eastern Moderates Actually Think and Say

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/05/heres-what-middle-eastern-moderates.html Over and over again I hear them: Egyptians who have lost hope that their country can be saved from Islamist dictatorship (this is what the people want, one says); the Lebanese who can no...

Inciting Genocide Is a Crime

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303592404577364283553552766.html?mod=googlenews_wsj Many of Iran's crimes are well-known to Americans and observers world-wide. The Tehran regime wants to build a nuclear weapon despite being a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; it supports the brutal crackdown...