Podesta in Cairo

http://freebeacon.com/podesta-in-cairo/ A delegation of American business leaders with lobbying ties to relatives of a top Obama administration adviser wrapped up a four-day tour in Egypt aimed at laying the groundwork for increased economic cooperation on...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2829&sec=3&title=WHO_EVER_SAID_CRIME_DOESN'T_PAY__SIX_PERCENT_OF_PA_BUDGET_GOES_TO_PAYING_PALESTINIAN_TERRORISTS_HELD_IN_ISRAEI_JAILS,_FAMILIES_OF_SUICIDE_BOMBERS __ Next time the Palestinian Authority asks for more international aid, it's time for Western nations to ask the PA why it is that, Abbas al-Sayyeed, convicted of planning the 2002 Park Hotel massacre...

Report: How the United States Benefits from Its Alliance with Israel

THE U.S.-ISRAEL special relationship has traditionally been defined in terms of a moral obligation, shared values, and common interests. During the Cold War, Israel also came to be seen as a strategic asset that...

Netanyahu and Obama Need a Marriage Counselor

http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/09/netanyahu-and-obama-need-a-marriage-counselor/262256/ President Obama picked up the phone and called Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier today, which is a good thing, though presumably it was not the warmest conversation ever to take place between a president and...

Sometimes it is better the devil you know

http://www.thejerusalemconnection.us/blog/2012/09/12/sometimes-it-is-better-the-devil-you-kno.html According to 71-year-old French surgeon, Jacques Beres, who co-founded Doctors without Borders and who has recently returned to France from two weeks in the city of Aleppo, Syria’s main commercial center, the rebels there...

Cairo Encouraged Embassy Attack by Letting Previous Attackers Walk

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2012/09/12/cairo-encouraged-embassy-attack-by-letting-previous-attackers-walk/ As Jonathan noted earlier, the Obama administration’s behavior to date has given Egypt every reason to think it can let a mob attack the U.S. embassy in Cairo with impunity. But there’s a very...

Timmerman Calls for Congressional Investigation into Iran 9/11 Ties

http://timmermanforcongress.netboots.net/posts/timmerman-calls-for-congressional-investigation-into-iran-911-ties Kensington, MD - September 12, 2012 - Republican Congressional candidate Ken Timmerman said he will push for a Congressional investigation into the government of Iran’s ties to the 9/11 attacks. Speaking at a luncheon in...

Gaza Prepares to Declare Independence (From Palestine)

http://schanzer.pundicity.com/12253/gaza-prepares-to-declare-independence-from It's no secret that Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist faction that controls Gaza, has long considered exchanging its underground smuggling tunnels to Egypt for a policy of above-board trade. What has only recently begun to...

Relying on US Intelligence

http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/09/relying_on_us_intelligence.html#ixzz265vwYq6a Jerusalem and the resettlement of Palestinian refugees disappeared from the Democratic Party platform; language that characterized Hamas as unacceptable to the United States -- not only to Israel -- disappeared. Jerusalem is back. But...

Will Egypt Go Nuclear?

http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives182.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Though Egypt does not currently have a nuclear energy program, that reality could soon change. Newly elected President Mohammed Mursi made clear that Egypt wishes to create a civilian nuclear energy program....