Meaning It Never Forget. Never Again. Words of enormous import that must be addressed with utmost seriousness. Tonight begins Yom Hashoah -- Holocaust Remembrance Day. And so I begin here with a short Aish video that features the...

Hillary Clinton Implies: Pro-Israel Sentiment Doesn’t Reflect America Sometimes a secretary of state is asked tough questions. How they are answered shows the underlying philosophy of official and government. I genuinely don’t want to make too much out of a single exchange...

Hollywood against Israel,7340,L-4215414,00.html It doesn’t matter that Iran’s ayatollahs just hosted an international conference, attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, against "Hollywood and Satanism" and "Hollywoodism and Zionism." It doesn’t matter that many blockbusters have been banned in...

“I Will Make London a Beacon of Islam” Ken Livingstone, the British Labour Party's candidate for mayor of London, says he wants to turn the capital city into a "beacon" of Islam. Speaking to Muslim worshippers on March 16 at the North London...

The Iraqi Model: As Good As It Gets Iraq is in a mess. Violence continues. Factionalism leads to endless bickering. Corruption is at high levels. Christians live in fear or flee altogether. Islamism is constantly creeping forward. Yet I would suggest that...

European, U.S. Billions to Gaza Go Poof!, Keeping Hamas in Power The $7 billion that has been invested in the Gaza Strip has. ironically, helped Hamas to solidify its control over the area. The Palestinian Authority announced this week that it has spent nearly $7 billion...

Video: Canadian Parliamentary briefing: UNRWA Reform Briefing Hosted by MP Adler/ conducted by Center... UNRWA Reform Briefing / Invite: La nécessité d'une réforme de l'UNRWA March 27, 2012 Mark Adler, MP invites Senators, Members of Parliament and Staff to a briefing on UNRWA REFORM Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6:30pm (or after votes) Room 7-50,...

PA Minister Touts Palestinian Unity as a Means to Destroy Israel palestinian-unity-as-a-means-to-destroy-israel/ Palestinian Authority (PA) Minister of Social Affairs Majida Al-Masri touted reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas as a means “to turn to the struggle for the liberation of Palestine-all of Palestine,” Palestinian Media Watch...

Report from April 2, 2012 speech by Professor Moshe Sharon, professor of early Islamic...

*Arlene Kushner, Research Analyst and Consultant, Center for Near East Policy Research, Credit: FrontpageJerusalem Sharon was the only Arabic speaker at the negotiations between Israel and Egypt. At that time, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, said...

Two states, ‘secure borders’ and the tooth fairy Photo: Yehoar Gal If a Palestinian state is established, it will be armed to the teeth. Within it there will be bases of the most extreme terrorist forces, who will be equipped with anti-tank and...