The Muslim Brotherhood’s Mendacious Charm Campaign in Washington The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation in Washington last week to better understand how the Islamist group will govern Egypt. It was a noble attempt at promoting intercultural political...

Rock Throwing by Arabs To the Editor: Thomas L. Friedman (“A Middle East Twofer,” column, April 4) endorses what he calls “nonviolent resistance by Palestinians” against Israel. He adds that Palestinians need to “accompany every boycott, hunger strike or...

Illusions of the Saudi initiative

The article “Israeli-Palestinian group presents economic benefits to Saudi Peace Initiative” (April 3) distorts the “refugee” clause of the Saudi initiative, as if it simply calls for a “just solution” for Arab refugees and...

Palestinian Authority would avoid a military confrontation with Israel in 2012 Israel's intelligence community has determined that the Palestinian Authority would avoid a military confrontation with Israel in 2012. Israeli sources have told U.S. officials and analysts that the PA was not interested in what they...

PA Forces Linked To Attacks On IDF The Palestinian Authority has been linked to attacks on the Israel Army. Officials said at least one PA security agency was identified as linked to a spate of recent attacks on Israeli military and civilian...

U.S. Complicit with Palestinian Authority Budgeting Mischief

The Palestinian Authority is crying poverty again, complaining about a decrease in expected levels of foreign aid that will force Palestinians into penury or - heaven forbid - tax increases. The Palestinian public is...

Expert Briefs Canadian Parliamentarians: In Gaza, UNWRA and Hamas are Bedfellows &title=Expert__Briefs_Canadian_Parliamentarians:_In_Gaza,_UNWRA_ and_Hamas_are_Bedfellows The United Nations Works and Relief Agency, the agency which runs Palestinian Refugee camps in Gaza has become an instrument of the Hamas regime in Gaza, a senior researcher told a gathering of...

Betrayal Glorified: The Bizarre Jewish Movement to Destroy Israel by Pretending to Save It I can only laugh at the idea of dilettante Peter Beinart and J Street as leader of the anti-Israel (oops, I meant save-Israel-from-itself) movement. After all, imagine people parading as self-defined heroes while peddling...

THE “ARAB SPRING”: THE ORIGINS OF A MISNOMER The tumultuous events that have swept through the Middle East during the last year or so were widely referred to in the West as the "Arab Spring". The media was awash with expectations of...

The Terror Attack in Toulouse: Aberration or Symptom? The events in Toulouse shone a spotlight on the threat posed by global jihadism to Europe and on several problems that for some time have been on the French and European Union agenda, first...