Protecting us from Europe,7340,L-4154349,00.html It is a pity that enlighten people (mostly in their own eyes) are resorting to exaggerated zeal and speaking out against the important bill proposed by Knesset Member Ofir Akunis that would ban donations...

The medical war on Israel,7340,L-4153223,00.html Israel was excluded from the International Red Cross for half a century because of the Star of David. Questioned for having denied entry to the Jewish state, Cornelio Sommaruga, then-head of the International Committee...

Palestinian Solidarity Day — The U.N.’s Annual Attempt to Turn Back the Clock

Notwithstanding alleged U.N. support for a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, at New York Headquarters Tuesday only the flag of the non-state of Palestine was flown alongside the U.N.’s own flag. The flag...

Amb Prosor addresses UNGA debate on “The Question of Palestine” -+statements/Amb_Prosor_addresses_UNGA_29-Nov-2011.htm Mr. President, A great Jewish sage once wrote, "The truth can hurt like a thorn, at first; but in the end it blossoms like a rose." His words came to my mind today. His insight could...

Flash: What, Me Pessimistic? Egyptian Election Outcome is Worse Than I Expected egyptian-election-outcome-is-worse-than-i-expected/ Since last February I have predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood would win elections in Egypt. People have thought me very pessimistic. Now the votes are starting to come in, and... it’s much worse than...

Tornadoes, terrorism and a myth of US aid to Israel # Every Friday morning in Oklahoma City, a siren wails. The piercing shrieks that the siren emits are a test of the system that warns of an impending tornado that threatens the city. When...

Member of Israeli Knesset Parliament to seek closure of UNRWA refugee aid agency

A member of the Israeli Knesset Parliament intends to ask the U.N. to close down the aid agency that assists Palestinian refugees living in Judea and Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem, saying the organization poses...

UNESCO Fueling Cultural Conflict Over Hebron Holy Site It is a clear blue and busy day in the holy city of Hebron. A small crowd of press gathers around Israeli Minister Yuli Edelstein outside the Tomb of Patriarchs. A Bar Mitzvah celebration...

The assault on Jewish Jerusalem The ongoing pressures exerted against construction in Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem like Gilo reflect intensified global efforts to redivide the city. Like many aspects of the Israeli-Arab conflict, the issue of Jerusalem is being reviewed...