Dr. Catherine Chatterley: Using The Holocaust Against Israel: Denial, Inversion And The Threat Of...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=1752&sec=1&title=DR._CATHERINE _CHATTERLEY:_USING_THE_HOLOCAUST_AGAINST_ISRAEL:_DENIAL,_INVERSION_ AND_THE_THREAT_OF_REPETITION In general, discussions of the Holocaust in the Arab and Islamic worlds are convoluted, distorted, and contradictory. Commentators are not usually concerned with historical accuracy or historiographical interpretation, nor are they interested in the...

Interview With Hillel Neuer Of Un Watch On The Pa Un Bid, Unwra Reform,...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=1700&sec=1&title=_ INTERVIEW_WITH_HILLEL_NEUER_OF_UN_WATCH_ON_THE_PA_UN_BID, _UNWRA_REFORM,_RICHARD_FALK,_SYRIA_AND_MORE _ Editor's Note: Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN WATCH will be the guest speaker at the 2011 Annual Jewish Foundation of Manitobacs Luncheon on Wednesday Nov. 23, 2011 at the Faimont Hotel ....

Why Don’t Western Elites Get the Middle East? Because They Think It’s Just Like...

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2011/11/18/why-don%e2%80%99t-western- elites-get-the-middle-east-because-they-think-it%e2%80%99s-just-like-them-sort-of/ I’ve come to realize a hitherto hidden dimension of why it is so hard for Western establishment figures (policymakers, journalists, and academics) to understand the Middle East. It is the conflict between the thirst...

Four Questions for Fayyad

Salman Fayad has announced that he may resign as the head of the Palestinian Authority, where he earned an undeserved reputation with the media as someone who led the Palestinian Arab people in a...

Anti-Israeli networks and activists from the Middle East and beyond intend to initiate propaganda...

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/ipc_e241.htm Overview 1. Regardless of the last flotilla's failure to reach the Gaza Strip, anti-Israeli organizations and activists intend to continue challenging Israel with "awareness-raising" events, including flotillas, convoys and fly-ins. In some instances, the behind-the-scenes...

The Narrative of Perpetual Palestinian Victimhood

http://www.hudson-ny.org/2586/palestinian-victimhood-narrative Shelby Steele, Robert J and Marion E. Oster Senior Fellow, Hoover Institute, member of the Working Group on Islamism and the International Order. The following is excerpted from a speech delivered September 22, 2011 in...

Iran Signals Its Readiness for a Final Confrontation

http://www.jcpa.org/JCPA/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DRIT=1&DBID=1&LNGID=1 &TMID=111&FID=442&PID=0&IID=9990&TTL=Iran_Signals_Its_Readiness_ for_a_Final_Confrontation Since the publication of the November 2011 IAEA report, which explicitly spotlights Iran's plans to build nuclear weapons, senior figures of the Iranian regime and the state-run media have begun to use threatening, defiant,...

The Third Intifada Is Here

http://www.hudson-ny.org/2570/third-intifada The third intifada is already here, and it is being waged against Israel not on the streets of Gaza and Ramallah, but in the international arena. This is a Diplomatic Intifada, aimed at rallying the...

Blaming the Victim

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2059519/Benjamin-Netanyahu -Barack-Obama-Nicolas-Sarkozy-blaming-victim.html?ito=feeds-newsxml # One of the most egregious signs of western irrationality and bigotry over the issue of Israel is the way in which its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is routinely scapegoated for causing the breakdown...

UNRWA has no problem with Hamas wasting construction material

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2011/10/ unrwa-has-no-problem-with-hamas-wasting.html Yesterday I noted that Hamas was building a massive 10,000 sq. ft.stage to celebrate the release of hundreds of terrorists from Israeli jails, and I noted that it seems that Hamas can find all...