Sure Israel has a right of self-defense. Of course.

In a very fine editorial, The real racism: Expecting Jews to die meekly,, Martin Sherman notices that the world repeats robotically that Israel has the right to defend itself, but he notes correctly,...

9/11 Law Suit Targets Iran Involvement

Ten Years After 9/11 The Law Suit For Millions The Families Of The Victims Have Filed In A New York Court Is Revealing Classified Information That Could Change Everything We Have Thought About The...

Audio: Hamas – “The Totalitarian ruler of Gaza: Responsible for Attacks on Israel’s South

David Bedein, reporting from the United States, talks tough about the deadly rocket attacks on Israel's south that killed one civilian on Sunday and injured dozens. "It's not like Martians are invading from outer...

Audio: Hidden Implications of the Shalit Prisoner Release

The implications of the Shalit deal which may not be readily understood: A symptom of a deeper issue in the Israeli mindset. This is a shortened Sukkot episode.

PLO envoy asked to leave Canada PALESTINIAN_ENVOY_TO_CANADA_IS_ASKED_TO_LEAVE_OTTAWA_AFTER_ CONTROVERSIAL_TWEET _ "The English subtitles on the video PA envoy tweeted include a passage where millions are called “to a war that raze the injustice and oppression and destroy the Jews.” Just as the Palestinian Authority...

The Renewed Gaza War on Israel

Last Wednesday, Grad Katyusha rockets were fired into southern Israel from Gaza. On Saturday afternoon, the Israel Air Force hit a terrorist squad in Gaza that was preparing to launch additional long-range rockets. Reportedly,...

JLTV to show US premiere of documentary on controversial United Nations refugee organization on...

JLTV will premiere a stunning new documentary that portrays the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as an organization dedicated to inciting Palestinian militancy through its educational curriculum and staff in schools and...

JLTV to show American premiere of documentary on controversial United Nations refugee organization on...

Contact: David Bedein Cell: (215) 240-4919 Email: JLTV will premiere a stunning new documentary that portrays the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as an organization dedicated to inciting Palestinian militancy through its educational curriculum...

Reining in Abbas: How America Should Punish the Palestinian Leader america-should-punish-the-palestinian-lead-6028 A new budget battle is brewing between the Republican-led Congress and the Obama White House. This time it’s not about trimming domestic spending. It’s about the $600 million in annual financial assistance the United...

The other side speaks out

Together with the euphoria that many Israelis feel about the return home of Gilad Shalit, victims of terror are dealing differently. Granted, there have been a few who came out in support of the...