“The Lubavitcher Rebbe and Yitzhak Shamir” – interview conducted by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, excerpted...

CD Mr. Shamir, please tell a little about yourself and the your association with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Where were you born and what year did you come to Israel? YS I came here in 1935...

Why Publicize What Arabs Say in Arabic?

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held recently in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of the Israeli...

Morsi Is Israel’s Nightmare, But The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/security/01/06/egypt-has-fallen.html Hamas militants hold a poster depicting Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood as they celebrate in Gaza City. (photo by REUTERS/Mohammed Salem) We have reached the moment feared by generations of Israeli Intelligence and GSS...

How Many Refugees?

http://blogs.cfr.org/abrams/2012/06/20/how-many-refugees/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+eabrams+%28Elliott+Abrams%3A+Pressure+Points%29 A general view of the Jenin refugee camp is seen near the West Bank city of Jenin September 6, 2011 (Courtesy REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini). Today the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (or PCBS) commemorated World...

Rewarding Moments: Prizeworthy vs. Praiseworthy

http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/06/26/rewarding-moments-prizeworthy-vs-praiseworthy/ President Barack Obama addresses Shimon Peres after honoring the Israeli leader with the Medal of Freedom June 13. Photo: White House. Awards and prizes appear to be the ultimate credential, from the Oscar to the Grammy....

Arabs Burn the Home of a Newlywed Couple

The young couple had decided to build their house in Havat Gilead, in the Shomron. Elyasaf was expelled from his house in Neve Dekalim which was in Gush Katif (Gaza strip). After being deported...

A Candid Moment with a Journalist

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held last week in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of HaAretz. Working...

U.S. Seeks To Arm Libya

The United States has sought to help Libya's military regain control over the North African state. Officials said the U.S. military and Defense Department have been drafting plans to provide weapons and training to Tripoli....


When Irshad Manji, a courageous Canadian Muslim liberal and open critic of Islam was speaking with another reformist Muslim at an event this past December in Amsterdam, 22 male Islamic jihadists burst into the...

Special Report from Jerusalem: What was missing from Tony Blair’s address at the Israeli...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2652&sec=1&title=Special_Report_from_Jerusalem:_What_was_missing_from_Tony_Blair%27s_address_at_the_Israeli_President%27s_Conference _ Former British Prime Minister and current Middle East Quartet Representative Tony Blair came off as a likeable guy with a sunny disposition in a speech that he delivered at the Gala Evening Plenary:...