Hidden context: Why did Israel suddenly formalize its definition as a Jewish, democratic state...

Media coverage of the new Israeli government initiative to define itself as both a Jewish and democratic state has not touched upon why this seemingly surprising legislative initiative was introduced at this time by...

News Analysis: Where Is Israel Now?

With regard to the possibility of face-to-face talks, it's all been a bit nonsensical. Because even if there were talks held, there would be no meeting of the minds. But at this point the...

Western Canada names a Special Representative to Israel

Premier Greg Selinger appoints Mel Lazareck to the new position of special representative for Manitoba to Israel for economic and community relations. Government of Manitoba Jaqueline Freedman, Mel Lazareck and Erez Rotem LAZARECK NAMED SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR...

News Analysis: After the Arab League Summit

Before the Arab League met last Friday, statements from the US government indicated positive expectations -- the hope that the League wouldn't kill the process by telling Abbas not to come to the table....

News Analysis

From His Mouth..." From his mouth...to G-d's ear. That is the saying. In this instance I am referring to the perhaps unlikely figure of Knesset Speaker Ruby (Reuven) Rivlin (Likud). In an interview with the JPost,...

News Analysis

One gets the feeling that if he could -- without losing his coalition -- Netanyahu would: cave on extending the freeze, that is. And so, it is the strength of those coalition members we...

News Analysis:”The Other Shoe?”

The "other shoe" I'm referring to is the end result of the whole business of extending the freeze, or part of the freeze, or whatever, so that face-to-face negotiations might continue. There is the...

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire: NOT A PEACEFUL WOMAN

We must not mistake her: The Nobel peace prize laureate is no “peace activist.” She identifies in absolute terms with Hamas, despite the fact that she knows that it is an anti-Semitic organization that...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=425&sec=1 The signatories of this letter participated in a conference on "Global Antisemitism, a Crisis of Modernity" that was held at Yale University from August 23 to the 25th, 2010, and organized by the Yale...

Position Paper: The Return of Palestinian Refugees to the State of Israel

Executive Summary Introduction The return of Palestinian refugees and their descendents to the State of Israel is one of the most difficult issues facing the parties as they seek to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to the Palestinians,...