Fogel Family Itamar Martyr’s Funeral – Yom Alef, 13 March 2011

Israel heard the news at the end of the Sabbath, on Motzaei Shabat. Thousands of Israelis came from all over Eretz Yisrael. Throughout Yerushalayim traffic was swollen by Yehudim in cars and on foot. The...


Photo by Maor Moravia Photo by Maor Moravia Photo by Maor Moravia Photo by Maor Moravia On Wednesday the 9th of March 2011, an unprecedented video conference was convened at the Sderot City Hall, between representatives and residents...

What will Happen When a Qassam rocket is fired at Israel’s Ben Gurion International...

In Gaza, it took Hamas 10 years to threaten Tel- Aviv.. How long will it take Hamas to threaten Ben Gurion airport with only 1 Qassam rocket at a range of only 6 KM? Has any...

Former Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, President of U of Winnipeg, Initiates Programming to...

Howard Morry and Ab Freig photo by Rhonda Spivak Jim Carr, Osama Abu Zeid, Howard Morry and Ab Freig of the Arab Jewish Dialogue at the University of Winnipeg photo by Rhonda Spivak Osama Abu Zeid, who fought...


Hamas handed out candy last night as residents took to the streets of the southern Gazan city of Rafah to celebrate the brutal terror attack in Itamar, where five members of a single Israeli...

Atrocity Rocks Israel

On Friday night at least one terrorist broke into a family’s home in Itamar, a Jewish community in Samaria. The result was that a mother and father, Ruth and Udi Fogel (35 and 36),...

DECLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCE REPORT: Palestinian Return Centre: London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas... The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 8, 2011 The Palestinian Return Centre: London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, outlawed in Israel. It promotes the demand of the Palestinian refugees...

Richard Perle: Embarrassment White House Waffling on Aid to Libya Rebels White House spokesman Jay Carney today brushed aside press reports that the United States had asked Saudi Arabia to arm rebels in Libya so they could battle special forces troops loyal to Col. Moammar...

INSIDE VIEW: J STREET LOBBIES MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO SIGN THIS LETTER TO PRESIDENT... Jeremy Ben-Ami, Founder an dCEO of J-Street photo by Rhonda Spivak Ron Pundak, director of Peres Centre for Peace photo by Rhonda Spivak J-Street lobbyists go to Capital Hill, Washington D.C. photo by Rhonda Spivak Pundak of Peres Centre favours...

An Analysis of the Current U.S. Policymaking Process

By Barry Rubin The Obama administration has a major internal split. The problem is that the people most qualified to be heard and who have the better understanding of the situation are being ignored. The reasons...