More Gaza Rocket Attacks On The Western Negev

Eight Qassam rockets were fired at communities in the Western Negev's Eshkol Regional Council yesterday morning. There were no reports of injuries, but several houses were damaged. Residents of the Eshkol Regional Council were ordered...

Panic Returns To The Western Negev

Over the weekend, approximately 20 Qassam rockets, Grad rockets and mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip at communities in the southwestern region of Israel. Most of the rockets were fired on Friday,...

Israel’s Southern Communities Furious At Gov’t

"The residents of the region will not silently overlook this and will settle accounts with those running for the country's leadership in the upcoming elections," Eshkol Regional Council Chairman Haim Yellin and Shaar Hanegev...

BESA REPORT: Obama, Israel Likely On A Collision Course

President-elect Barack Obama is expected to have a rocky relationship with Israel, according to an academic research study published in the wake of the November 4 presidential election. A report from the Israel-based Bar Ilan...

Saudi Arabia: No. 1 Arms Purchaser

There is no question about it: The economic power of Saudi Arabia will be a factor for the next American administration to cope with. The United States Congressional Research Service recently ranked Saudi Arabia, the...

The Palestinian Perspective on the American Election

Posting: November 4, 2008 "A Report That Matters" If it's not too late... in case it makes a difference. I had to run this. According to YNET, Al Ahkbar, a Lebanese daily, is running the following story...

Obama’s Connection to… Sirhan Sirhan

The cover of "Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism," co-authored by William Ayers and dedicated to, among others, Sirhan Sirhan. From the perspective of a Middle East & Islam specialist, the just-concluding U.S. presidential...

After fourty-four failures, Phillies fan finally ‘fesses ’64 folly

A common theme of Catholicism and Judaism involves the command to confess your sins. While Catholics often confess their sins to their clerics, Jews confess their sins to the community at large. With the news...

Incisive Insight in the News

Posting: October 29, 2008 "Does This Matter?" To me it matters a lot: It's being reported that French president Nicholas Sarkozy thinks Obama's position on Iran is "utterly immature" and comprised of "formulations empty of all content." Sarkozy...

Barack Obama, Jewish-Americans And Israel

From a personal and professional perspective, this is the sixth American Presidential campaign that I have covered from Israel, concentrating on the "Israel aspect" of the story. This time I not only have covered the...