An Appetite to Destroy

(The commentary below is an eye-witness account of the recent destruction of the Federman farm near Kiryat Arba. It is written by David Wilder, spokesperson for the Jewish Community of Hebron) Destruction of Federman farm...

“We Need to Expose the Muhammad al-Dura Hoax”

Philippe Karsenty is the founder and president of Media-Ratings (, an online French media watchdog. In November 2004, he published an article entitled "Arlette Chabot and Charles Enderlin Must Be Fired Immediately," alleging that...

Saudi Arabia – Still in an Active State of War With Israel – Seeks...

Saudi Arabia, in an active state of war with Israel since 1948, seeks a new advanced air-to-air missile from the United States. Saudi Arabia has requested the AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missile from the United States. The...

Samir Kuntar Video Clip – Born To Murder

One of Israel's leading investigative reporters, Ronen Bergman, has gained access to a Hezbollah video clip, apparently taken with a cell phone camera, showing Samir Kuntar, the convicted murderer of an Israeli family who...

Hamas Exploiting Internet: Launch of AqsaTube

Hamas, like terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and al-Qaida, have learned to use and exploit the Internet.With the six-month cease-fire with Hamas scheduled to conclude on December 19, Hamas has launched a new Web...

Why A Two-State Solution Will Not Work For Israel

In early September, in my capacity as the head of the Sderot Media Center, I was invited to take part in a press conference in the Norwegian capitol of Oslo, together with the Israeli...

Insight into the News

Posting: September 28, 2008 "Rosh Hashana" Tomorrow night begins the Jewish New Year: Rosh Hashana. It is time of serious contemplation, acknowledgement of our failings, and efforts for improvement -- coupled with prayers to the Almighty...

CHALLENGE OF THE NEW JEWISH YEAR: WILL THERE BE A NEW DISENGAGEMENT? This link to a color coded map depicts the second withdrawal map that was approved by the government of Israel on February 20, 2005, as the second scheduled Israeli withdrawal, following the pullback and...

THE SDEROT PERSPECTIVE:Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die? Who by Fire and who...

This is the ultimate and central prayer recited on Rosh HaShana. This prayer remains theoretical for most Jewish people in the world, as they pray and hope for the best in the New Year. For the...

Election of ‘next Israeli leader’ a fraud?

{Investigative reporter Yoav Yitzhak ads one detail not in this piece, which is that Judge Arbel lied and said that both major candidates - Livni and Mofaz - asked that the extra half an...