Ethical Indiscretion and Non Reportage of Lethal Threat to Israel

On Sunday, September 21st, 2008, the head of Israel Military Intelligence provided the first official report to the Israeli cabinet that the Israeli intelligence community had come to the definitive conclusion that all diplomatic...

Incisive News Coverage of Israel

Posting: September 21, 2008 "Narrative" In the Torah reading for this past Shabbat -- Ki Tavo -- Moses speaks to the children of Israel shortly before they cross the Jordan River "into the Land that G-d...

Dr. Guy Bechor Says Israel is Under ‘Media Occupation’

Noted Middle East expert and commentator Dr. Guy Bechor accuses Israel's media of turning itself into an "occupying force" within Israel and behaving like an unelected, yet all-powerful, political machine. In an article entitled "Down...

Palestinian Official Supports Livni As Kadima Chairman

Last week the chairman of the Palestinian negotiation team with Israel, Ahmed Qureia Abu Ala voiced unequivocal support for the candidacy of his negotiation partner, Israel Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, for chairman of Kadima. His...

Female Arab Terrorists In Training In Gaza

The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) has declassified an intelligence report of masses of women in Gaza being trained for combat and suicide bombing attacks...

UNESCO, PLO Recognize Jerusalem As An Arab Capital

Contrary to a common assumption that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its administrative arm, the Palestinian Authority (PA), demand "East Jerusalem" as a future capital for a nation state of Palestine, they actually...

Palestinian Authority Suffers Stinging Lawsuit Defeat

The Jerusalem District Court handed down a precedent-setting ruling yesterday when it enjoined the Palestinian Authority to pay more than $116 million in damages to the surviving family of Yaron and Efrat Unger, who...

Abbas: ‘Entry Of Refugees To Israel Is On The Table’

On the eve of the meeting between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas asserted that the two had already discussed the entry of Palestinian refugees into Israel. "We are discussing the...

Al-Aqsa Brigades in Gaza graduate a class of fighters

A class of fighters trained by the Al-Aqsa Brigades, Fatah's armed military wing, graduated on Sunday in the northern Gaza Strip. The group stated during the graduation ceremony, that they intend to continue armed resistance...

Response to the Jewish Agency/Nefesh B’Nefesh Agreement

The Jewish Agency for Israel's (JAFI) decision to outsource the entire aliyah operation in North America to Nefesh B'Nefesh, a 6-year-old American group promoting aliyah, is indicative of both the need for change in...