Jewish Agency and Nefesh B’Nefesh Reach Historic Agreement for Increasing Aliyah from North America

A "one-stop Aliyah shop" has now been created by both organizations to streamline the Aliyah process for North American Olim Nefesh B'Nefesh and the Jewish Agency for Israel have reached a successful conclusion to the...

Archiving the struggle: Local Jews begin to document efforts to free Soviet Jews

Issue of August 27th, 2008 When Oscar and Joan Dodek traveled to Moscow in 1978 on a 22-member synagogue mission to meet local Jews, they certainly didn't expect to get arrested by the KGB and...

Report: Iran supplied Hizbullah with advanced missiles

Al-Quds al-Arabi reports missiles can accurately hit targets in Israel, weapons to be used by Lebanese organization in event that Israel or US launch attack against Islamic republic Iran has supplied Hizbullah with advanced missiles...

PA, Germany sign agreement to establish 55 police stations

Palestinian Interior Minister Abd Ar-Razaq Al-Yahya and German Representative to the Palestinian Authority Klaus Burkhardt signed a joint agreement to establish a total 55 new police stations in the West Bank on Thursday. The agreement...

Olmert’s Attempt to Subvert Democratic Process in Talks with Palestinians

"The president of the United States will adopt the wording, the world with adopt it, the European Union, also the Arab world. We can tell the Israeli People that this is what can be...

Abie Nathan’s legacy from the Yom Kippur War

On Yom Kippur 5734 (1973), when planes flew overhead and there were rumors of an impending war on two fronts, we came home from synagogue and listened to the only station that was broadcasting...

PR Success for Israel’s Enemies

I met the Free Gaza Movement group in Cyprus. The Israel Ministry of Defense allowed the Free Gaza Movement boats to land in Gaza, after the Israeli Minister of Defense Ehud Barak determined that there...

Incisive News Diary

Posting: August 25, 2008 "Words, Words" What shall we call it? A lot of hot air? Declarations "signifying nothing"? Barak said that Labor would resign the coalition if the budget were unsatisfactory. Shas ministers said they'd leave...

UNIFIL Commander Graziano Denies Hezbollah Rearming

Major General Claudio Graziano, force commander of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), took questions from reporters on on the situation in Lebanon yesterday. Mr. Graziano, blaming Israel and exonerating Hezbollah in regards to...

Jewish Group Calls On Obama To Cancel Carter Convention Speech

There is an unwritten rule that synagogues in the United States do not intervene in partisan American politics. On Thursday, one of the largest synagogue organizations in the United States, the National Council of Young...