United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan: AFGHANISTAN ANNUAL REPORT ON PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS IN...
UNAMA, Human Rights
January 2010
Annual Report on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, 2009
UNAMA Human Rights United Nations
Executive Summary
I. Impact of the Armed Conflict on Civilians: 2009................................................1
II. Anti-Government Elements.................................................................................8
AGE and Civilian...
Silence, music and mysticism:Zvi Mark’s book is a significant contribution to our understanding of...
Mysticism and Madness
By Zvi Mark | Translated by Ya’acov David Schulman | Continuum Books | 306 pages | $44.95
Thirty-five years ago, as a college freshman in New York City, I wandered one evening...
NIF-Funded NGOs: Goldstone’s Building Blocks
February 09, 2010
NIF-funded groups and their publications were featured centrally in the Goldstone report, which focused on alleged Israeli “war crimes” in the 2009 Gaza war. The report referenced B’Tselem more than 56 times;...
Crossing Red Lines; NIF and Israel
This week, the battle in Jerusalem over the credibility of the New Israel Fund moved to the Knesset, where Israel’s elected officials will conduct what will likely be a spirited debate as to whether...
Hey NIF: Criticism is a Democratic Right
It’s strange that groups claiming to be well-versed in human rights seem so unfamiliar with the concept of free speech.
Talkbacks (1)
Those who make a full-time pursuit of criticizing others probably should grow thicker skin....
Remembering One Victim of Arab Terror
Six years ago, Yehuda Haim got on a bus to work one sunny February morning in Jerusalem, and paid with his life.
Friday marks six years to the day, according to the Hebrew calendar, since...
Responses to University Student Anti-Semitism
Just in this past week we have seen a number of instances of anti-Israel (read: anti-semitic) outbursts aimed at speakers who have been scheduled to appear at various universities around the world.
For example, the...
New Revelations About the UN Goldstone Report that Seriously Undermine its Credibility
Col. (ret.) Desmond Travers was one of the four members of the UN Fact Finding Mission that produced what is widely called the Goldstone Report. The Mission investigated Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza...
Could U.S.-Israel Ties Crumble Over Iran?
The strategic relationship between Israel and the United States could collapse amid their dispute over Iran.
In three simulations conducted in Israel and the United States, relations between the two countries declined rapidly amid a...