Israeli POW’s Murdered in Captivity: A War Crime

The time has come for the face the fact that two Israeli POW's were murdered in captivity. Exactly two years ago, a few days after Goldwasser and Regev were captured, the Israel government cabinet secretary...

SELA’s refusal to help Gush Katif farmers sued by former Arab employees – E-mail...

E-mail exchange - July 9, 2008 #1 To: David Baker Cc: Mark Regev Subject: query to PM concerning suits of Arabs who worked for Jewish farmers in Gush Katif July 9th, 2008 Hundreds of Arabs who...

Gazan Residents Filing Suit Against Gush Katif Farmers

If it were not so sad and absurd, one might even think of laughing but residents of Hamas-controlled Gaza are now taking legal action against former Gush Katif farmers, seeking compensatory damages for wrongful...

Incisive Commentary on Events in Israel

Posting: July 11, 2008 "Still Iran" Iran remains very much in the news -- and with solid reason. No one -- except the parties both here and the US who are directly involved -- know exactly what's...

USCIRF Urges Denial of U.S. Visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 8, 2008 Contact: Judith Ingram, Communications Director, (202) 523-3240, ext. 127 USCIRF Urges Denial of U.S. Visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi WASHINGTONâ€"The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom urges the...

Canada – A Step Away From Holocaust Task Force

While largely symbolic, the move will allow Canada to share the way its different jurisdictions teach students about the Holocaust, and take away lessons learned from the task force's 25 other member countries. When Jewish...

A letter to a British Parliamentarian

The Rt. Honorable Kim Howells Minister of State, Foreign & Commonwealth Office London I was directed to this site: where I read the following exchange: "Crispin Blunt: I am grateful to the Minister for that answer, and agree...

Israel: Where Justice is a Game

Manhigut Yehudit: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE----PRESS RELEASE----FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Moshe Feiglin Co-Founder & President Contact: Tova Abady, Media Spokesperson (917) 301-0997 (cell phone) Shmuel Sackett Co-Founder & International Director Clouds of corruption - coupled with a lack...

There is a Holocaust Happening in China, Doctors Warn-Organ Harvesting in China Continues Unbated

"This is a Holocaust, no question about it," Toronto-based family doctor Gerry Koffman told an audience gathered in the University of Toronto's Medical Science Building on Thursday. Dr. Koffman is the Canadian co-ordinator for Doctors...

Jesse Helms and July 4th

John Adams our second President, and Thomas Jefferson our third were lifelong rivals who loved this country they served with every ounce of their being, so much so that the coincidence of the date...