Terror Accountability Of The Israeli Government

Last week, follwing the terror attack in Jerusalem, The Bulletin contacted the office of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert about the Israeli government's response to the Hamas: The Bulletin forwarded a statement to the Israeli...

Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism: Mainstream Not Renegade

1. Hate-Education-Driven-Terrorism. The July 2, 2008 Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism constituted a precise Palestinian human-missile, guided by Palestinian hate-education, instituted in 1994 by Abu-Mazen, then Arafat's first deputy, and proliferated via Abu Mazen's current educational-religious-media infrastructures....

Killer Of Bulldozer Terrorist Was Beaten Unconscious By Police At Anti-Disengagement

Makor Rishon correspondent Hodaya Karish-Hazony, reports today that "Mem", the soldier who killed the terrorist yesterday in Jerusalem, had been severely beaten by police during an anti-disengagement protest that took place May 2005. "Mem", who...

Kiddush Hashem in the Streets of Jerusalem

Last Wednesday, we experienced an extraordinary Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of G-d's name) when an Arab murderer armed with a huge bulldozer went on a rampage on the streets of Jerusalem. He flattened occupied cars,...

Golan Retreat promoter Liel: Syria would drop Iran if USA would arm it to...

Syria 'would break links with Iran' if America steps in to help it By Carolynne Wheeler in Jerusalem Sunday Telegraph (UK) Last updated: 12:11 a.m. BST 06/07/2008 www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/2253080/Syria-%27would-break-links-with-Iran%27-if-America-steps-in-to-help-it.html Syria is ready to break off its...

If ‘Never Again’ is to be a pledge

Collective memories are usually celebratory, focusing on elements of the past that a society is most proud of. This is unfortunate. After all, societies stand to learn as much from their failures as from...

The Bringing of the First Fruits

"My Search for the Soul of Zion" Series, Essay #6 Excerpt: "the Torah has a variety of mitzvos which remind us that HaShem, the Compassionate and Life-Giving One, is the true Owner of the earth...

Hugo Chávez’s Jewish Problem

In December 1998, preaching a gospel of socialist revolution that had gone blessedly unvoiced in the decade following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Hugo Chávez won a landslide election for the presidency of...

Smuggling from Egypt to Gaza via Sea with no interference by Israel or Egypt

Yediot Ahronot correspondent Alex Fishman reports in today's edition that according to senior Israeli security sources, Egypt has reduced it naval anti-smuggling activities as compared to the past. Palestinian boats loaded with people and suspicious...

“Rabin Legacy” Teacher Reinstated by Court: Israel Education Ministry Fined

In a precedent setting decision, the Jerusalem District Court has overruled the Israel Ministry of Education and ordered it to immediately reinstate an Israeli teacher who questioned the manner in which the school system...