20 Middle East Policy Questions to Ask Candidates Running for Public of Office in...

I have spent the past week covering Middle East policy issues during the presidential primaries in Pennsylvania, in my capacity as the Middle East correspondent for the Philadelphia Bulletin. I find that people hesitate about...


While President Bush and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hope to reach some kind of peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians by the end of the year that will also include a...

Deplorable Diplomacy and Duplicitous Diplomats

Well, it was unlikely that Rice, who was just here, would have readily walked away without further concessions from Israel for the sake of the "peace process." Some concessions, of some sort, from our...

“April Fools” Piece in the NYTimes Mimimizes Fatah/PA Anti-semitism

I usually don't like playing bash-the-journalist. I try avoiding the ritualistic Tirade against the Times, which keeps pro-Israel New York Times readers' blood flowing. But an April 1, 2008 front-page article was so ridiculous...

The sinister idea behind the evacuation compensation law

The idea behind the evacuation compensation law is far more sinister than simply to divide and conquer the settlers by offering them financial incentives to leave their homes. An offer of compensation, it should be...

“Tension in the North”

Posting: April 2, 2008 "Tension in the North" A report by a 'top military intelligence officer" to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee yesterday included a warning that Hezbollah is getting ready for new violence...

Incisive Commentary from Jerusalem

Posting: March 24, 2008 "Fatah and Hamas" Well, here we are in the midst of an ever-changing scenario that has yet to play itself out. Officially, neither the US nor Israel has comment on the agreement signed...

Abbas Accepts Hamas-Fatah Agreement

Jerusalem - The Palestinian news agency Maan has published a report based on sources in Fatah, stating that Fatah chairman and Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has announced his full acceptance of the...

He Said He Wanted to Study: Avraham David Moses, 16, Murdered 18 Days Ago

It's been 18 days since an Arab terrorist from Jerusalem sprayed more than 500 bullets into the library of Jerusalem's finest yeshiva and mowed down eight young men while they were learning Talmud at...

Senator McCain in Sderot

Senator John McCain arrived in the Israeli city of Sderot on Wednesday. Visiting an Israeli city that has suffered more than 900 missile attacks from Gaza since the first of the year, and flanked...