A New Way for Orthodox Jewish Men and Women to Meet – “ShidduchVision”

In a move designed to help promote marriages in the Orthodox Jewish community, a Baltimore-based group has organized a meeting service that will allow young men and women at a distance to initially meet...

Greed Wins: Israeli Profits Override Protection of its Citizens

Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and a slew of Israeli officials who promote trade relations with the Palestinian Arab population conducted a press briefing on Wednesday, July 8, 2009. Israeli government officials explained why...

Bearing Witness to the UN in Geneva: Presenting Sderot’s Case to UN Judges

On July 6th, I traveled to Geneva to testify before the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. Participating in the delegations were Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin, Dr Alan Marcus the director...

Top Obama aide invites head of terrorist-linked org to join administration task force

A top aide to President Barack Obama provided a keynote address at last weekend's 46thIslamic Society of North America (ISNA) national convention, a gathering that attracted thousands of people and also featured anti-Semitic, homophobic...

“Unity Talks”

[The implications herein are that all terror groups would be united under the roof of one Palestinian regime and sanctioned by the government of Egypt. - David Bedein]

UN: Israel Must Tear Down West Bank Barrier

In many respects, the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) Advisory Opinion on Israel's security barrier does not deserve to be dignified by a learned rebuttal. The Opinion deserves the same treatment as another shameful...

Aide: Netanyahu told German FM West Bank cannot be ‘Judenrein`

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the Nazi term 'Judenrein' in a recent meeting with the German foreign minister to condemn the Palestinian demand that West Bank settlements be removed, a confidant of the...

A Vision From Safed

Today, the 17th of Tammuz, is the eighth yahrzeit of Archie Greenberg - Aharon ben Zalman z”l. As we begin to grieve on this day for the breach of the walls of Jerusalem, we...

Hamas Expands Military Academy

Hamas has expanded operations of its military academy as part of an effort to produce a trained cadre of officers. The Abdullah Azzam Academy, located in the central Gaza Strip, has received additional funding and recruits in...

A report to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict

"I expect basic international humanitarian law to protect the civilians to be respected and restored, not repeatedly violated as Hamas has done. I expect there to be accountability. Hamas must cease firing these rockets...