“Bill Clinton: Israel-Syria peace deal could be reached within 35 minutes”

A peace agreement between Israel and Syria could be reached within 35 minutes, former U.S. president Bill Clinton told the Lebanon-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper in an interview published Sunday. Clinton said Israel and Syria were...

PM Olmert’s press advisor: Israel did not propose compliance benchmarks at

IMRA interviewed, Miri Eisin - Foreign press adviser - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in English, on April 15 after the meeting between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas: Question: When Prime Minister Olmert met...

Abusing the Holocaust

Kenneth Roth, the head of Human Rights Watch, opened a recent response to critics of his statements on Israel (including the author of this column) by referring to his father's "escape" from Nazi Germany....

The Man Who Inspired Hitler

The 27th day of Nissan year marks the day when the Warsaw Ghetto uprising began against the Nazis in 1943. The 27th of Nissan was therefore selected as Holocaust Remembrance and Heroism Day in Israel...

Commentary: Our Fate and Faith At This Time

I offer here a link to a piece by Barry Rubin called "Goodbye to Western Civilization." I urge all of you to read it, but particularly those who are in N. America. There must...

Renewed Negotiations with Syria: Currently Not in Israel’s Interest

I am among those who believe that a political settlement is a good thing. Rafael (Raful) Eitan was once asked if he supported a peace settlement between Israel and Syria based on the principle...

Fatah Thretens Jews Outside of Israel

A senior source in Israeli intelligence reports that the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah organization chaired by Mahmoud Abbas, has threatened to target Jewish institutions outside of Israel. The threat...

Iran Advances Uranium Enrichment

Sources in the U.S. intelligence community that Iran was rapidly advancing in its uranium enrichment program. U.S. officials said most of the intelligence community, particularly the Defense Intelligence Agency, has concluded that Iran was succeeding...

IGNORING ANTI-SEMITIC INCITEMENT: When PR Firms Replace Israel’s Democratic Process

Since the genesis of the Oslo process in 1993, successive governments of Israel, under a binding legal and moral obligation to demand a cessation of virulent anti-semitic incitement as the condition for negotiation and...

Terrorist stabbing next to Ma’arat HaMachpela

April 08, 2007 At 12:15 this afternoon an Arab terrorist burst through the western exit from the Kasbah, adjacent to Ma'arat HaMachpela in Hebron and stabbed to border policeman. One was listed as critically wounded...