Commentary: Saudi Plans…

The Saudi government seems to be ever so quietly knifing the Bush administration in the back. I wrote last week about a piece by Dore Gold in which he said that the Saudis have...

Shelters Not Ready in Sderot, While Israeli government offices shirk responsibility

With a Conflict in Gaza Southern Israel on the horizon, no Israeli government offices will take responsibility to prepare shelters in Sderot, on the edge of Gaza The city of Sderot has suffered over the...

Commentary: The Saudi Plan and more

I would like to return to the entire issue of the Saudi peace plan and whatever negotiations Israel may or may not have with the Palestinians or with Abbas in particular. Let me begin by...

Shimon Peres falsified official bio?

Israeli presidential candidate, former prime minister and long-time parliament member Shimon Peres is accused of falsifying his official biography on Israel's Knesset website to claim he served in the military and temporarily headed the...

Peres fibbed about military service on official web page

Elder statesman of Israel's parliament, Shimon Peres, 83, falsified the biographical information on his official Knesset Web page to imply military service that he never performed, journalist David Bedein has claimed in the Philadelphia...

Robert Rechnitz: A man with a vision for Israel’s National Camp

Robert Rechnitz, from Los Angeles, the president of a Zionist organization known as Bnai Zion, married with three children and two grandchildren, served as the chairman of the recent Jerusalem Conference, held after Purim...

Rice to Palestinians: End incitement against Israel

US secretary of state says Palestinians must expunge inciteful material from textbooks, publish maps that include Israel; Bush administration to reduce proposed $86 million security assistance package to PA government... US Secretary of State Condoleezza...

Israel’s Deputy PM Falsifies Military Record on Knesset Web Site

Most recently, the credibility of Israel's Knesset Parliament was shaken when a reporter discovered that a new member of Israel's highest-elected body had falsely reported the university degrees that appear on the Israel's Knesset...

Arlene Kushner Critiques Israel Consulate’s brochure on Israeli Foreign Policy

I write this from Jerusalem as an American-born Israeli citizen. A friend of mine in the States forwarded this material to me, and I would like to take the liberty of making a couple...

pen Letter to the board of Akiba Hebrew Academy -. Keep the name AKIBA

David Bedein, Class of 1968 To: (Mitchell Cohen is the chairman of the board of Akiba... ) 4 Nisan 5767 23 March 2007 To the board of Akiba Hebrew Academy, Merion, Pa. Concerning the idea that Akiba...