Will Baker and Gates Leave Bush with a Defeatist Legacy?

As George W. Bush enters his final two years in office, he may be preparing a doctrine of defeatism authored by James Baker and Robert Gates that alienates allies and emboldens enemies. Three critical decisions...

“Politically correct” Holocaust Denial?

This week, the Israeli government issued vehement denunciations of the conference convened by the Iranian government in Teheran to promote the denial of the mass murder of the Jews in World War II, in...


Ben Caspit, journalist from the Maariv newspaper in Israel, holds documentation which Shows that the law office of former American secretary of state James Baker earned tens of millions of dollars from a deal...


The tens of millions of dollars that Israel managed to prevent the Palestinian prime minister from bringing into the Gaza Strip, are small change compared to the fortune that Iran promised to transfer to...

The Human Rights Council Disappoints on Darfur

This week, the UN Human Rights Council held a special session on the human rights situation in Darfur, Sudan-its fourth special session, and the first not focusing on Israel. The result? A disappointingly weak...

Rabin¹s Legacy that Never Was

On the 4th of November 1995, Israel¹s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated at the end of a peace rally in Tel Aviv. Many Israelis, particularly those on the political left, believe that this...

Commentary: The Myth of Linkage to Iraq

I rather like Barry Rubin's comments today on James Baker's thoughts and recommendations, from his report on Iraq, regarding Israel and peace in the Middle East. Says Rubin, "The only way this kind of...

Solidarity in Sderot:Hadassah Unity Mission visits Israeli city weary of relentless rocket fire from...

Of the many stops made by the 58 delegates of the recent "Hadassah is Here" Israel Unity Mission, seeing with their own eyes the mounds of Kassam rockets behind Sderot's Police Headquarters, was a...

Iran in Gaza

At the weekly Sunday cabinet meeting of the Israeli government, the Israeli intelligence chief, Yuval Diskin, warned that the Hamas terrorist organization is using this period of an agreed upon period of "calm" to...

Commentary: “Test the intentions of Israel’s neighbors.” – An insult to our intelligence

Edward Djerejian, a key advisor to Baker on his study, told the Jerusalem Post today that there is no intention to force Israel into concessions. Rather, the desire is to "test the intentions of...