Israel Lifts Its Blockade On Lebanon

Israel decided today to lift the sea and air blockade that has been in place on Lebanon since fighting erupted in mid-July between Hezbollah and the IDF. The decision to lift the blockade was...

When the Israeli gov’t reminds the world of the “road map”, does PM Olmert...

Israel Government meeting about the Prime Minister's statement on the Roadmap Jerusalem, May 25, 2003 A. The Government of Israel, today (Sunday), May 25, 2003, considered the Prime Minister's statement on the Roadmap, as well as...


The next round of Israel's confrontation with Hizbullah was expected to be more fierce than the 33-day war concluded in August. U.S. military analysts expect Israeli ground forces to move rapidly to destroy Hizbullah's short-range...

Israel Needs 12 Laser Systems To Protect North

Israel requires about 12 laser systems to protect northern communities from Hizbullah short-range rockets fired from Lebanon. A leading former defense official, Oded Amichai, said Israel would require between 10 and 12 Sky Guard laser...

Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror: Hizbullah Needs 2 Years to Recover

Hizbullah was badly damaged in the war against Israel and requires at least two years to recover, a leading Israeli military analyst said. Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror, a former senior military intelligence officer, said...

Commentary: Dissonance in Hostage Information

There's a stepping back now: Mahmoud Abbas is saying today that the Bahraini paper El-Halij misunderstood his statement about a prisoner trade; he says there were arrangements, but they have not born fruit. Meanwhile,...

Rev. Jesse Jackson Returns Empty Handed to the US: Misled by Hizbullah, He Misled...

Last week, Rev. Jesse Jackson arrived in Israel to act as an intermediary to help get abducted hostages back to Israel. Two Israeli hostages are now being held by the Hizbullah terror group in...

The Culpability of Egypt – if Israel Makes an Issue of it

The London-based newspaper Al-Hayat reported on September 5th that the kidnapped Israeli hostage, Gilad Shalit is now in Egypt as part of a deal to release him. The paper reported that Shalit was brought...

Perpsective on Negotiations to Release Convicts

None of this has been confirmed yet -- the word is coming via reports from Arab papers. In one version PA President Mahmoud Abbas provided details for a newspaper in Bahrain, El-Halij. Another version...

Rockets and Abductions Planned by Palestinians

The Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas continues efforts to assemble rockets in the West Bank. Israel's military has found a Fatah explosives laboratory and two rockets in the West Bank city...