Commentary: Golan Next?

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter (Kadima) caused quite a furor yesterday when he advocated withdrawing from the Golan Heights in the interests of making peace with Syria. One is tempted to ask where his head...

U.S. Military Analysts See Hizbullah Gains

Leading U.S. military analysts have determined that Hizbullah achieved major gains in its 33-day war with Israel. The analysts, including some who serve as consultants to the Defense Department, have concluded that Israel's military failed...

Ehud Olmert: Fighting for his political life

It's unprecedented during wartime to undermine your nation's unity. Nevertheless, that's exactly what Israeli PM Ehud Olmert did when he declared that the war would create "new momentum" for his divisive Realignment Plan. Now...

Commentary on Post- Cease Fire Israel Situation

The Jerusalem Post reported today that Kofi Annan is expected to recommend that the enlarged UNIFIL forces that will deploy in Lebanon will be given rules of engagement that permit opening fire on Hezbollah....

Hamas Seeks To Copy Hizbullah Atms

Israel has assessed that Hamas intends to capitalize on the success of Hizbullah's war against Israel. Israeli officials said Hamas plans to copy variants of Iranian- and Russian-origin anti-tank missiles fired by Hizbullah during the...

My Cousin’s Wedding: Dedicated to Benjy Hillman, killed in action in Lebanon

It was a storybook wedding; such a fine picture they cut, the handsome young Israeli officer in slacks and a white shirt, dancing with his young beautiful bride; it could have been a movie,...

Commentary on Post-Ceasefire Israel

Friday night a commando unit from Sayeret Matkal (General Staff Reconnaissance Unit) executed an operation in Baalbek, in the Bakaa Valley; the IDF says it thwarted the transfer of weapons from Syria to Hezbollah....

At This Stage of the War – Israel’s Achievements Significant

There are two ways to evaluate the outcome of a military conflict: The degree of success the sides to the conflict had in realizing their objectives during the conflict; The measure of military achievements during the...

The lessons of Lebanon – II “We has met the enemy, and he is...

The war did not go well. It's easy to point to Hizbullah's six years of preparations, its fanatic devotion to death, and an endless supply of technologically advanced Iranian and Syrian weapons. But the...

Hizbullah Returns to South Lebanon

Israeli military sources said Hizbullah fighters and operatives were seen returning with tens of thousands of Lebanese residents to the communities from which they had fled in July. The sources said some of the...