The Israel Left Organizes to Demand European Intervention fo Stop the Israeli Army

CALLING EUROPE! The internationally-lauded "disengagement" from Gaza did not end the occupation there. This continued in the form of an Israeli stranglehold over Gaza's communications with the outside world. The Gaza Strip has been turned...

Israel is at war on two fronts. This is the simple reality

It is doubtful that many reading this are unaware of the basics of what is transpiring. The situation is in flux and will continue to change, but an overview is important. In Gaza, the operation...

Syria and Hizballah Brag About Killing 7 Israelis and Kidnapping 2 Others

Several Arab media outlets are reporting the killing of seven Israeli soldiers today along the Lebanese border, and Syrian television and Hizballah bragged that the "heroic operation" showed that Israel would have no choice...

Terror leader announces start of barrage nearing Israel’s main population centers

While Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip have been contending with almost daily missile attacks, Palestinian rockets will now also be launched regularly on the other side of the country aimed at Jewish communities...

Only A Song Is Left… Profile of Pnina Eisenman, whose poetry followed tragedy

Pnina Eisenman is an attractive 38-year-old Israeli women with an optimistic outlook on life. She works at the Israeli Government Press office in Jerusalem, assisting visiting journalists. Considering the tragedy she suffered four years...

The Man Who Says He Will Make Millions From the Disengagement

Sir Ronald Cohen: Financier who is hoping for a peace dividend After a quarter of a century at private equity firm Apax, he now wants to help solve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis Almost a year after...

Ari Shavit interviews former COS Ya’alon – slams the disengagement

... General (res.) Moshe Ya'alon, the chief of staff until shortly before the disengagement, spoke passionately by telephone from his current place of residence in Washington.... Lieutenant General (res.) Moshe Ya'alon: "There is no doubt...

Freeing Killers: A Price Too High to Pay to Free a Captured Soldier

This is not a popular piece to write. Noam Shalit, father of Gilad, the abducted soldier, has been quoted today in HaAretz and the Voice of Israel radio on Thursday, July 6th, that he urges...

Parting with a Son – The Asheris Mourn Eliyahu

Nestled on a hillside in the Shomron village of Itamar, Miriam and Yitro Asheri, parents of Eliyahu, kidnapped and murdered last week, sit on the low chairs of mourners in their living room. Seated facing...

A Shiva Call to the family of Eliahu Osheri, murdered this week

This week, the country was informed that Eliyahu, an 18 year-old boy from Itamar was also kidnapped. For some reason, Eliyahu's kidnapping did not generate the same publicity and media attention as Gilad's. Perhaps...