Mubarak Expected to Hand Power to Son in 2007

The authoritative Middle East News Line in Jerusalem reports that Egyyptian President Hosni Mubarak was expected to relay power to his son within a year. Egyptian opposition sources said Mubarak, 78, has been spending less...

The Harmless Children of Hezbollah?: A German Perspective

Germans are squabbling about whether Israel's military strikes against Lebanon are justified. But how else can Israel defend itself against Hezbollah rockets? By staging sit-down protests along the Israeli-Lebanese border, perhaps? Should Israel stop defending...

Kidnapped According to the Terms of the “Prisoners’ Document”

Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen can announce his opposition to terrorist operations from now until whenever, but last night he was due to sign a document that states explicitly that terror attacks such as...

Not a Time for Diplomacy

It should be recognized that the warnings of the opponents of the disengagement from Gaza have materialized. Disengagement did not reduce the intensity of the confrontation, and we are unwillingly being forced to send the...

Restore the Power of Deterrence

We are still mourning the deaths of IDF soldiers Lt. Hanan Barak and Staff Sgt. Pavel Slutzker, and we are still praying for the safety of Gilad Shalit and his return home. And yet...

Hamas Strikes Military Position in Israel

For the first time since the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005, Palestinian insurgents from the Gaza Strip have struck a military position in the Jewish state. On Sunday, Hamas and the aligned Popular...

Pink Flawed or Pink Fraud?

Among the thousands of people who crowded the Neveh Shalom?s wide open fields to hear Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, you could discern hundreds of expat Americans in their forties, fifties and sixties....

Foreign Governments Are Key Backers of Peace Now

Peace Now, a far-left Israeli-based organization promoting Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 borders and removal of all Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria, is largely funded by foreign governments. The organization, which spends large sums of money finding...

ISM Foreign Protesters to be Expelled

Israel is preparing to prevent the "Summer of Peace" event planned by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a pro-Palestinian group operating in the territories on behalf of the Palestinians. Israeli security forces will try...

Think Tank: Iran’s Military Capability Second Only to Israel in the Middle East

The London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies has determined that Iran has been deemed the second most powerful country in the Middle East. This institute has determined that even without nuclear weapons, Iran could defeat...