The test of Netanyahu’s Leadership

Following the victory of Benyamin Netanyahu as the new leader of the Likud, the question remains as how Netanyahu will cope with the policies of his major party rival: Israel's Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom. FM...

Inside The Palestinian Authority: Issue 1

Editor's note: Welcome to the first edition of "Inside the PA," a weekly on-line publication designed to provide valuable insight into the workings of the Palestinian Authority. We will review important statements by senior PA...

Where is UNRWA Going After the Withdrawal from Katif?

In early November, shortly after Israel had pulled out of Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom met with UNRWA's new commissioner-general, Karen AbuZayd. Shalom suggested, during that meeting, that it might be time for...

Is the US Pressuring Israel to Allow “Safe Passage” for PLO Convoys to Traverse...

Plans are afoot by the US State Department to force ISrael to open a route from Gaza to the West Bank through the southern half of Israel. This has implications to cut Israel in...

Palestinian “moderate” PLC representative Qadura Fares

Palestinian conditional non-violence denies the fundamental basis of the deal "We support negotiations and other peaceful means with Israel as long as Palestinian aspirations may be realized through negotiations. If Palestinian aspirations can't be...

Free Marwan Barghouti To Counter Power of Hamas

During the mid-1990s, Marwan Barghouti and his close friend Qaddoura Fares initiated a number of meetings with representatives of the Israeli peace camp. They presented themselves as people committed to turning the Oslo process...

Keep Marwan Barghouti Behind Bars

On this page last week, Yossi Beilin posited that convicted murderer Marwan Barghouti is the one Palestinian leader ready and able to fight Hamas ("Free Marwan Barghouti To Counter Power of Hamas," December 2)....

Analysis: UNRWA Under Attack

For the last couple of years, UNRWA -- U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees -- has been repeatedly called upon to defend its mission. Established in 1948 and serving the humanitarian needs...

Abbas Approves PA Assistance to Families of Suicide Bombers

On the very day of a suicide bombing in Netanya, Machmud Abbas, the chairman of the Palestinian Authority gave budgetary approval to assistance for the families of suicide bombers. Each martyr's family will receive a...

Why was Netanya a Target Again Today?

This is written as news comes of yet another bomb attack in Netanya, with reports that the Al Aksa Brigades of the Fateh is taking credit for the attack. Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian...