Finland Offers to Monitor Peace Process

... No one is in a position to impose solutions in the Middle East without the agreement and commitment of the parties themselves. But when the will is there outside parties can and must...

Despite Sharon’s Assurances, Unilateral Withdrawals Will Continue

...On Tuesday, a new morning dawned on Israel. Eyal Arad spoke at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Arad is a real renaissance man: He owns a thriving PR firm, and is also the prime minister's...

Report #6: State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities. Jewish Agency...

According to the Eibim solution, student olim from Ethiopia and Russia living in the village were to move for three months to attractive new apartments in Sderot, closer to their college, and receive additional...

How Sharon won: Business interests override concerns for security

To the outside observer, the internal schism in Israel's ruling Likud political party might seem to be quite confusing. After all, the three pretenders for party leadership - current Israeli Prime Miinister Ariel Sharon, former...

“Can’t Buy Me Love” : The Folly of Woflensohn and Zuckerman and the Green...

When James Wolfensohn and Mort Zuckerman raised $14 million to buy the Gush Katif hothouses from Israeli farmers to give to the Palestinians, many people were surprised. "We thought it was a chance to...

Coping with Substance Abuse in the Jewish World

There is nothing more spiritually different than the "L'Chaims" that many Jews make on the secular holiday of New Year's Eve, and the contemplation of the purpose and meaning of our lives that we...

Report #5: State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Police Back on the Beat Israel Television's Channel Two reported this morning that police in the south of Israel have made a number of drug and other arrests, since these were neglected during the...

PA Foreign Minister Renews Call to Invoke PLO “Phased Plan of Stages”

Palestinian Foreign Minister Nasser al-Kidwa presented an uncompromising political stand similar to the PLO's "Phased Plan of Stages" from 1974, according to an interview appearing in the London-based Arab daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat on Sunday. "We're...

After Disengagement: A Strategic Insight

The considerations of unilateral withdrawal are not the same as the considerations of an agreed-upon withdrawal. In the absence of an agreement, the margin of safety must be expanded, and all possible scenarios must...

DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN: The City of Sderot After Disengagement

Over the past year, I have been to Sderot often, following the Kassam rockets. I climb up to the mayor's office, on the second floor of the municipality building, and catch Mayor Eli Moyal...