A Personal Remembrance of Simon Wiesenthal

In Memory of Simon Wiesenthal, who passed away this week at age 96. The death of Simon Wiesenthal brings back many memories. Many years ago, when I served as director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center...

Report #4, September 21-22nd: State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities

Families to "Karavilot" in Yad Binyamin The first group of families moved into the "kavilot" in Yad Binyamin on September 21. They were from the Torat Haim yeshiva of Rav Tal. There have been a number...

The Myth that the Katif Evacuees Do Not Want To Leave Their “Hotels”

The wound grows larger, wider, deeper. The Israeli government has now demanded that each expelled family pay 150 shekels per day for living in a hotel room. Considering that we have no income, nor...

Hamad Research Center: Moving the Armed Struggle to Judea and Samaria

The Al-Mustaqbal research center, which is affiliated with Hamas, recently published a study on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the new era after the IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern...

Israel Hands Over Sa-Nur in Samaria to Terrorists: HAMAS AND El-Aksa Martyrs Brigades:[Violation of...

Enthusiastic fingers raised in the air in a victory sign, debka dancing, Palestinian and Hamas flags, giant pictures of Yasser Arafat and "engineer" Yihya Ayash, and hoarse, rhythmic chanting of slogans-"Kassam, revenge, revenge," "From...

Official PA Me3ia: EU Monitoring Role Negotiated for Rafah

where "the head of the European Parliamentarian Delegation to the Geneva Initiative, Mr. Graham Watson, described the planned armed international force that the US, Canada, the EU, the Scandinavian countries, Japan and Australia...

Report #3, September 20:State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities

The World Bank in Gaza and vacated Gush Katif Globes journalist Gadi Golan reported that the World Bank will grant a series of financial incentives to entrepreneurs and investors who set up enterprises, businesses,...

Serious Weapons Smuggled Into Gaza Strip

The lack of control demonstrated by Egyptian forces on Philadelphi Road continued yesterday: Despite official promises that they had closed all the crossings between the two parts of Rafah, yesterday again Palestinians from the Gaza...

State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities: Evacuee Update 2

Homesh On September 18 it was announced that more than 30 families from Homesh, northern Shomron, would be moving to temporary quarters at Yad Hana, a communist kibbutz. According to Menora Hazani, a community activist...

Spreading of Pollutants from a Sewage Outfall Along the Gaza Strip

5 Elul 5765 8 September 2005 In many parts of the world, including developed countries, sewage from large cities along the coast is disposed of at sea by either dumping the sludge far offshore (usually tens...