Has Israeli deterrence become a farce?

Is post-retreat Israel seen by its neighbors as a bold nation that has taken its future into its own hands or a farce? Egypt weighed in on this question loud and clear when Egypt's Ambassador...

Gaza sewage could cripple desalination facility

If the Palestinians go ahead with building a sewage pipe from the Gaza Strip to the sea, this could cripple the new desalination plant near Ashekelon. The plant, planned to desalinate 100 million cubic meters...

Professor Porath Predicts Israel Will Reconquer Gaza

Another round in the war: Few situations in human history can be defined in clear-cut terms as victory or defeat. Even wars that are ended by crushing military defeats and the unconditional surrender of one...

Analysis: The inside story of why the Gush Katif synagogues were destroyed

For the past month, three of Israel's most prominent Rabbis worked around the clock to save the synagogues which used to serve the Jewish communities of the Katif district of Gaza from desecration. These Rabbis...

Hurricane “Arik”: Settlers as Scapegoats

Two images have haunted me since the nightmare we went through in recent weeks--the nightmare given the sterile title "disengagement", that was in fact no less than a hurricane, hurricane "Arik". One image is...

Israel Spawns Terror Base For The Enemy

As Israel pulled its troops out of the areas where 21 Jewish communities had thrived in the Katif district of Gaza and four more Jewish communities in Northern Samaria, the Israeli public was under...

Why Does the Israeli Government Persist in Spreading The Word that “All is Well”

News reports today indicated that contrary to what was stated in an earlier government policy (designed to make the residents of Gush Katif move out of their homes complacently), those who did not move...

The State of the Communities of Gush Katif and Northern Gaza

Method of Research Key people (heads of community secretariats, spokespeople and community workers) were interviewed from almost every community in Gush Katif or northern Gaza to obtain this information. General assessments were cross-referenced with a...

The Situation of the Evacuees from Katif

Sources Information for this report has been acquired from authoritative sources: The Israel Legal Forum - the group of more than 50 lawyers working pro-bono and for token payment on behalf of the evacuees; Lema'an...

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome – After the Disengagement

Almost two weeks after disengagement, many of the evacuees and evacuators have not succeeded in recovering. It is doubtful whether they will succeed to do so in the future. A soldier who fell apart...