Palestinians Name Pro-Syrian Foe of Peace With Israel as Deputy to Abbas

Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, which six months ago named Mahmoud Abbas as Arafat's successor, yesterday named the pro-Syrian activist Farouk Qaddoumi as the deputy-and presumed successor-to Abbas, according to Palestinian Authority (PA) state television,...

Official PA website blames Israel for those murdered by Documentation: Official PA website blames...

#1 PA now blames Israel PA website on 21 June 2005: "Israel's officially adopted policy of extra-judicial killings claimed the lives of six Palestinians, including two laborers, and a Chinese worker early in June." #2 PA...

Reassessing Abbas

Even the security establishment now realizes that what we had during Yasser Arafat's time is repeating itself: the Palestinian Authority makes deals and surrenders to the most murderous of the terror organizations and proudly...

Red Dawn Alert

The phrase "Red Dawn" may sound like a good name for a modern rock band, but in the town of Sderot located just outside of the northern Gaza Strip,it means something entirely different. When...

Before Meeting Sharon, Abbas and His Media Issue List of “do’s” and “Don’ts”

A few hours before his scheduled conference Tuesday with Israel's prime minister, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and his state-controlled media issued a list of things he will demand of Israel and things he will...

The Unreported Story

Introduction 16 days after the Iranian revolution of 1979 Yasser Arafat was the first foreign leader who visited Ayatollah Khomeini. This was a historic visit for many reasons. Ayatollah Khomeini gave the PLO its own...

How Rice Was Received, Welcome afforded to Hamas

The Palestinian Authority welcomed US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to the Middle East this weekend in five main ways: Reporting the Rice visit with accompanying pictures of her with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas; Showing and...

Palestinian Media Welcome Rice With Interview Calling Bush Leader of Anti-Islamic Crusade

The Palestinian Authority welcomed US Condoleeza Rice to the Middle East this weekend in many ways, one of them the airing of a long interview with the leader of the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas...

Funding the Farmers in Gush Katif

As Yosef and Ruthie Harush spend their last savings on finishing a large house in the Gush Katif settlement of Atzmona - a mezuzah was affixed to the door Wednesday by Rehovot's chief rabbi,...

Israel’s Vice Prime Minister Peres Approves Provision of “Light Weapons” to an Entity at...

On December 8th, 1993, then Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Yose Beilin conducted a briefing for the foreign press,in which he said that Israel was going to "experiment" with the idea of providing arms for...