Abbas Inverts Reality

The May 26th Wall Street Journal commentary "Message to Ariel Sharon," by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, shouldn't surprise. For Abbas is master at turning truth on its head. Yet, it does surprise, for its...

“Evacuation Liable to Fatally Damage Water”

"The implementation of the disengagement plan in northern Samaria will make it possible for the Palestinians-on the assumption that there is no coordination and agreement with Israel-to pump 50 million cubic meters of water...

Israel Desecrates the Quran

JERUSALEM--June 8, 2005-- Voice of Palestine radio offered great air time Wednesday morning to charges that Israeli jailers in the Megiddo Prison had deliberately desecrated three copies of the Quran, Islam's scripture, by throwing...

“Ethnic cleansing is deplorable to the rest of the world world, but here, it...

David Bronfman, a member of the famed philanthropic Canadian Jewish family, announced yesterday a $100,000 contribution toward the struggle against the disengagement plan. During a tour of Neveh Dekalim, the Toronto native, who has previously...

Abbas Charges Israel With War Crimes

From Palestinian Authority Radio (The Voice of Palestine): PA Prime Minister Ahmad Qreia (nicknamed Abu Ala) condemned in the strongest terms the resumption of the Israeli policy of assassinations (V.O.P. radio, 4 p.m.-Jerusalem Time), and...

Israel Invades Temple Mount

"Voice of Palestine", the official Palestinian Authority Radio News Station, broke into its regular programming (10 a.m.) to announce that Israeli troops and Jewish extremists were invading Islamic holy places on the Temple Mount. Later...

Long before 9/11, the US military was warned about low-tech warfare, but it didn’t...

Washington - Nearly 16 years ago, a group of four military officers and a civilian predicted the rise of terrorism and anti-American insurgencies with chilling accuracy. The group said U.S. military technology was so advanced...

38 Years on of Israeli Occupation, Qurei Warns of ‘Explosion’

"Occupied Jerusalem at the Center of Palestinian - Israeli Conflict" On the 38th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Sunday, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei warned of "an explosion"...

Official Abbas Announcement on PA Media: Postponing PA elections

Analysis of the Palestinian Media June 5 2005---Sunday Palestinian television led its news broadcasts Sunday with the news that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas had issued a decree on Saturday (June 4) delaying the legislative elections indefinitely....

US Administration Appears to Shift on the Hamas

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - The Bush administration is showing signs of easing its hard-line approach toward Hamas, in response to the militant group's rising political clout in the Palestinian territories and appeals for flexibility...