One Must Not Obey an “Illegal Order”

Israel's former Deputy Attorney General, Professor Nahum Rackover, now head of the Jewish Legal Heritage Society most recently convened a brain trust of Israeli experts in Jewish and Israeli jurisprudence to discuss the legal...

Israeli Group Monitoring Palestinian media

The recent Palestinian presidential election campaign, widely applauded for complying with democratic norms, was actually riddled with voter fraud, intimidation and unbalanced pre-election media coverage, says an Israeli observer of Palestinian political life. Michael Widlanski,...

Israel Allows Palestinians Take Up Arms: But why?

With Sharon's plan for disengagement drawing nearer, Israeli and international media continue to focus on the eminent problem of transferring Jewish residents of Katif/Gaza, paying with little or no attention to clause five of...

A Rabbi who Marched from Selma to Montgomery Recalls the Moral Message of Dr....

This week, 40 years after the murder of a Black man, James Chaney, and two Jewish civil rights workers Andrew Goodman and James Schwerner in Philadelphia, Missisipi, the man who masterminded those murders was...


The purpose of ABU MAZEN WATCH: to expose the reality of Abu Mazen's administration. It will run as a private venture, since government agencies must contend with diplomatic constraints. The Western world, eager to see...

A Palestinian Denied the Right to Vote” by Palestinians, Israelis and Americans

Issam Abu Issa* is a Palestinian who wanted to have the right to vote in this week's Palestinian election yet was denied the right to do so. At the urging of the Palestinian leadership, Issa...

“Because of Settlers Like You!”

"If Gush Katif didn't exist we would have to invent it," said Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin when touring the Gush Katif region. "You are the first line of defense of this country," stated Prime Minister...

Arafat’s Heir

Krauthammer neglects say to that the PLO, which Abbas co-founded with Arafat 40 years ago, has yet to repeal the PLO Covenant which mandates that the PLO maintain its state of war with Israel...

Critique of Abu Mazen from a Pro-Palestinian Advocacy Organization

"Among the fancy new villas, fanciest is that of Abu Mazen, key negotiator of the ill-fated Oslo accord. It is not clear who paid for this $2 million-plus affair, all balconies and balustrades in...

Reform Jewish Leader Challenges New Palestinian Leadership to Confront Culture of Hatred Against Jews...

Saperstein: No matter who is chosen as the new leader of the Palestinian people, as long as children are taught to hate, the chance to achieve a true and lasting peace between Israel and...