Cancel the Event with a Man Who Praises the Murderer of Our Son

December 8th 2004 Ms. Nancy K. Kaufman Mr. Sheldon Goldberg The Jewish Community Relations Council It has come to our attention that the Jewish Community Relation Council, the Anti Defamation League, and the...

The Boston JCRC Invitation to Have Lunch with Sari Nusseibah

From: "Nancy K. Kaufman" Reply-To: "Sheldon Goldberg" Date: Tue, 23 November 2004 17:05:55 -0500 Subject: Lunch with Dr. Sari Nusseibeh Please join us for lunch on Friday, December 10 from 12 to 1:00 p.m. at 126 High Street,...

Koby Mandell Act Passes

Koby Mandell Act passes us Congress: opens Justice Deptartment office to capture all foreigners, including Palestinian Arabs, who have murdered Americans overseas. The Koby Mandell Act, named for a 13-year old American citizen murdered in...

Hudna, Hamas and the Continued Armed Struggle

Over the past three weeks, since the death of Yassir Arafat, rumors have been rampant about a major breakthrough with the Islamic Hamas organization. On Friday, December 3rd, 2004, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency went so...

The Palestinian Authority After Arafat

With Arafat out of the picture, the only difference between Arafat and his followers is that his successors wear business suits. Each PLO official who runs the Palestinian Authority maintains a clear record who continues...

Group claims Hamas raising funds in Canada

The Islamic terrorist group Hamas has resumed fundraising in Canada through a front organization that offers charitable tax receipts to donors, an activist group stated earlier this week. The International Relief Fund for the Afflicted...

Canadian Charity Linked to Illegal Terrorist Organization

The Canadian Coalition for Democracies (CCD), Stockwell Day (Official Opposition Critic, Foreign Affairs), and David Bedein (Bureau Chief for the Israel Resource News Agency) released a report connecting the International Relief Fund for the...

Open Letter from ZOA to Knesset Members

In an appeal to Israeli Knesset Members in advance of next week's vote on the Gaza retreat plan, the Zionist Organization of America has reminded them that there is no evidence the United States...

A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution

I. Introduction A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...

To show Palestinians Respect – Expect Compliance

If British Prime Minister Tony Blair wants me and my family here in Israel to risk our lives in "confidence building gestures" to the Palestinian leadership he should look elsewhere. We are not dying...