52%:44% Before implementing Disengagement – Investigate Former COS Ya’alon’s Allegations

The following are the results of a poll of a representative sample of 500 adult Israeli Jews carried out by Smith Research and Consulting on 12-13 July 2005 for The Center For Near East...

Hamas Website Reports That The Hamas Has Postioned Their Rockets in Judea and Samaria

June 28, 2005 An article published on the Hamas website reflects the movement's efforts to extend its Qassam rocket manufacturing capabilities to the West Bank. The writer of the article predicts that the Qassam rockets...

PA Textbooks not Anti-Semitic

Although a new report states that Palestinian Authority textbooks now feature descriptions of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as being an "integral part" of Zionist history that was approved in "a confidential...

Circumstances Under Which the IDF Can Fire on Settlers and Protesters

A team headed by an Israel Defense Forces major general recently put together a document that can be defined as the army's "code of ethics" for the disengagement. Among other things, the team recommends that...

Professors of Statistics and Math from U. of Penn, Hebrew U. & Temple U....

For Press Comment: Contact Morton Klein at 212-481-1500 New York - Abe Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) released a new poll on Israel's Withdrawal Plan claiming it shows that 71% of Americans...

Morton Klein Responds to Nahum Barnea’s Attack on the ZOA

In his column, Nachum Barnea said that Zionist Organization of America's (ZOA) poll showing that 63% of Americans oppose the Katif withdrawal was "misleading." But he does not explain the basis for his criticism. In...

Poll showing most Americans oppose pullout misleading

There is nothing more flexible, and more useful, than public opinion polls. More than showing the public's views, they reveal the mindset of those who commissioned the poll, and those who market it. For example, Finance...

A Letter to Abe Foxman from Katif

Dear Mr. Foxman, As a resident to Gush Katif, I would like to comment on your letter. Imagine waking up one morning and being told that your home, farm, job, synagogue, children's school neighbors, community center...

The Moment of Truth Has Arrived

An open letter: I write this letter with great inner turmoil, at the end of another day in Gush Katif. In the past year and a half, we inhabitants of Gush Katif have waged a struggle,...

“Jews Are Not Expelling Jews from Gaza”

There are a number of legitimate arguments against or questions about Ariel Sharon's plan to disengage from Gaza. Is Israel encouraging terrorism by making such a huge unilateral concession after a period of the...