A Comprehensive Critique: Amnesty and Human Rights Issues in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

NGO Monitor Analysis (Vol. 1 No. 4) The cycle of death goes on and on... in the west there is a universal shaking of sophisticated heads and a weary, liberal sigh. Tut tut, there they...

Why and How the Israeli Government Facilitated Weapons and Military Training for the PLO

Israel's "Orr Commission of Inquiry" addressed Israel's security establishment's faulty decision making process concerning security matters pertaining to the Israel Arab community, which resulted in the deaths of 14 Israeli citizens during riots that...

The Strategic Implications of the “Right of Return”

Those who stay abreast of middle east news may have been surprised to learn that Palestinian Arabs fired kassam rockets into Ashkelon from Gaza. Since Ashkelon is not located anywhere beyond Israel's 1967 line in...

My Beloved Mikva Lady, Murdered by Arab Terrorists in Jerusalem

The twenty-first victim of the heinous bus bombing in Jerusalem on August 19, 2003 was Rachel Weitz, age 70. Her name probably flew by most of you. It almost flew by me, too, the first...

Incitement in the Palestinian Authority After the Aqaba Summit

In his June 4, 2003 speech at the Aqaba summit, Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said, "We will also act vigorously against incitement and violence and hatred, whatever their form...

Terror in the North, Nabil Shaath, Accountability for Terror Attack in Jerusalem, Arafat Still...

Funding Terrrorism in Northern Israel? The Attack In the August 11 edition of the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, the leading military analyst Zev Schiff noted that the "Hezbollah uses anti-aircraft aimed to explode over Israeli communities and...

Will the Casino in Jericho Once Again Open its Doors to Israeli clients?

Israeli gamblers will be disappointed: Following the IDF withdrawal from Palestinian cities, including Jericho, the Palestinians announced that the Jericho casino is prepared to open its gates to masses of gamblers, however the IDF...

Appreciating the Candor of Nabil Shaath

Israel has no cause to be angry at the Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath, who declared yesterday in Lebanon that the road map will bring the refugees from 1948 back from Beirut to Haifa....

Nabil Shaath’s Call For the Right of Return: “Palestinians Have Right of Return to...

"I do not see a solution for my people other than return to the homeland. This return is inevitable and it includes return to the future Palestinian state and to the Palestinian cities and...

PA Teenager’s Summer camp Named for Teenage Suicide Bomber

Ayyat al-Akhras - a 17 year-old girl - was the youngest child suicide bomber, murdering 2 Israelis in a Jerusalem supermarket on March 29, 2002. The PA has named a children's summer camp in...