Arafat’s Investments
December 22 (Bloomberg) -- In 35 years as Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat raised billions of dollars. He spent the fortune to wield power, to pay militants who attacked Israel and to invest in the...
“Order UNRWA to Fully Disclose Arafat’s Registration as an UNRWA Refugee”
64, avenue Marceau - 75008
Paris - Tel. 33 (0)1 47 23 76 37
Fax: 33 (0)1 47 20 84 01
Paris, 23 December 2004
On 17 November, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre wrote to Peter Hansen, the...
Is There a Potential Conflict of Interests between Shimon Peres and the Operations and...
At a time when Shimon Peres is once again mentioned as a candidate to return to a senior position in the Israeli government, the time has come for the Ethics Committee of the Knesset...
Sari Nusseibeh’s guile and Boston’s gullibility
On December 10, the Boston chapters of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Boston Combined Jewish Philanthropies' Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) sponsored Sari Nusseibeh, the Chancellor of Jerusalem's...
Beware of the Gaza Trap
Is a Gaza withdrawal a good idea? Well it may be for the Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and for some of his close supporters, but it most certainly is not for the U.S. President...
Has the Israeli Government Been Using Holocaust Terminology to Promote Their Policies?
On the Fast Day of the Tenth of Tevet we collectively recall the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans to starve the Jews and to drive them out of the Land of Israel.
Thousands of...
Did the Jewish Advocate Not Consider the Source of our Translation?
The Jewish Advocate of Boston issued an inappropriate editorial on December 17th, 2004, in which it accuses me and our news agency of willfully distorting an interview with Sari Nusseibeh, so as to "manipulate"...
David Bedein Conducts a Smear Campaign
Last week, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston helped lead a community coalition to a great victory for the Boston Jewish community - and for Israel, when Somerville aldermen rejected efforts to...
Will the Real Abu-Mazen Please Stand Up?
Does the Palestinian Arab press know something that the Israeli press does not know?
Even as the Hebrew press headlined the remarks of Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu-Mazen) calling for an end to the "Intifada," the...
What We Can Learn From the Libel of the Jenin Massacre
On Monday night, December 6th, Israel Broadcasting Corporation Channel One screened Martin Himmel's documentary "Jenin: Massacring the Truth" describing how the international media defamed the State of Israel by transmitting the accusation that the...