The “Patriots” Have Landed: Israel Prepares for War

Picnicking at Missile Launching Site Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 5) by Zvi Alush -- The IDF testing site in southern Israel, from which a number of Patriot missiles were successfully test-fired as part of a joint...

A Connecticut Yankee in the UN Court: An Incisive Interview with Former UN Ambassador...

Dore Gold's motivation for making aliyah in 1975 was clear and simple: Zionism. He has memories of his late mother Sedell, active in causes on behalf of Israel; what he learned at a tender...

Ilan Ramon: Why He Volunteered to Be a Pilot to Bomb the Iraqi Reactor

In 1981, Ilan Ramon was on the team that was to bomb the Iraqi reactor. His commanding officer, Gen. Yadlin, spoke on Sunday evening, February 2 on Israeli TV on the "Seven and a Half"...

“I do not know how to break the news of Ilan Ramon’s death… ...

I do not know how to break the news of Ilan Ramon's death and the Space Shuttle crash to my five-year-old son, Gilad. Like all Israeli school children, Ilan had become his hero. Sixteen days...

Locate Torah Scroll From Bergen Belsen That Fell to Earth with the Columbia Shuttle...

One of the items that Col. Ilan Ramon was carrying with him in a protective casing was a small Torah scroll (Five Books of Moses) that had survived the Bergen Belsen concentration camp, as...

A Tribute to Ilan Ramon’s Legacy

In 1981, IAF Col. Ilan Ramon flew one of the F-16 jets that blew up the Iraqi nuclear reactor in Osirak. In so doing he saved the country and perhaps the entire world from...

In an Emergency Government, We’ll Sit With Haredim

Shinui Chairman MK Tommy Lapid will meet with Labor Party Chairman Amram Mitzna, who phoned him yesterday and asked to speak to him about the election results. Lapid said at the opening of the...

Palestinian Arab Reaction to the Israeli Elections

Palestinians: "Now we will continue the intifada" The Palestinian Arabs were dealt a serious disappointment this week. Their efforts to affect the Israeli political map failed once again. In the past months they openly supported Amram...

Sharon’s Associates: There is no Such Thing as a “Right Wing Government”

The first phone call was from his son, Gilad. Ariel Sharon spoke gently, occasionally laughing. Gilad phoned from the farm, immediately after the television polls, to his father sitting in the security cabinet room...

Ariel Sharon, Amram Mitzne and Yose Beillin won the Israeli Election. Natan Scharansky, Yose...

There were multiple winners of the Israeli elections and there were multiple losers of the Israeli elections. The winners were Ariel Sharon, Amram Mitzne and Yose Beillin. Sharon wanted to double the strength of the Likud...